How does Face Book know what I am searching for on the internet?

2016-10-29 4:45 am
It seems FB, they track my searches then I go on my Facebook page...I see an advertising for the product I was searching for.... on Google search browser.

All of you guys have some excellent answers..thanks.

回答 (14)

2016-11-01 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The various websites use apps called "trackers" that send cookies that give them feedback as to everything you do. I use a FREE "add on" to Firefox called "Ghostery that blocks them all!

Right now, it is blocking two trackers put on by Yahoo. (Score Card Research Beacon and Yahoo Ad Exchange) I've gone to sites with as many as 25 trackers! Facebook varies between 6 and 14 anytime I use my FaceBook page.

Some sites even post complaint messages when I open their sites that they want me to shut off tracker blocking because their "advertisers" (who pay them to put in trackers!) don't like them! My answer to that: My privacy is more important to me than advertising from people and about things I could care less about.
2016-10-29 5:04 am
I'm pretty sure almost all search engines try to track what you search for so that you have personalized results. This is turn allows the user to have a better browsing experience, but some may complain that this is a breach of privacy.
2016-10-29 5:16 am
It's a computer. Every site you go to inserts "cookies" in your system. No matter where you go those cookies will pop ads up on that page.
2016-10-29 4:58 am
not just facebook. if you open up youtube, you will see them. they will be in almost every website's ad, trying to get you to buy their products. basically the government knows your every move...
2016-10-29 4:50 am
What the hell did you think Fakebook was made for? It wasn't made so you could be stupid enough to post all of you irrelevant crap online for the world to see for free. It was make to analyse every stupid thing you do online so it could shove advertisements in your face. How else do you think they are making money?

Do yourself a favor and get off Fakebook.
2016-10-29 4:46 am
FB has your IP address and can track your activity with a key logger .
2016-11-02 12:53 pm
when you search for something it leaves cookies on your computer and facebook and numerous other sites use these cookies to target ads to you...
2016-10-31 9:33 pm
"Tracking Cookies" are used on nearly all websites in order to make your experience at their website go more smoothly when/if you return later. These cookies can be used by other websites that sell products, to try and get your attention in order to attempt to sell you the product you may have searched earlier. You are usually notified that "cookies" are used on the website as a condition of using the website for free ( or something similar ).
2016-10-30 7:16 pm
the facebook tracking pixel they put on their sites for remarketing.
2016-10-29 8:10 pm
You can Google "data mining" to find lots of answers, it is a way of collecting information about you that is then sold on for profit and used to used to issue directed advertising to you via your PC or device.
Three years ago I bought a new garden shed, then used Google to see if it was a good buy.
For the next 6 months all I got were adverts with pictures of garden sheds which made me wish that I had searched for something more picturesque.,9171,2058205,00.html
Regards, Bob UK.
2016-10-29 7:54 pm
i dont think its facebook, its just the ads that are on facebook
2016-10-29 6:27 pm
When you search for something it leaves cookies on your computer and facebook and many other sites use these cookies to target ads to you.
2016-10-29 10:18 am
One could make the argument we are halfway to being Corporate State of North America, Facebook had been known to be invasive, tracks you in ways you would think that is off limits, and whether you have account or not.

They have to be though, a Chinese folk proverb says you either expand or wither, there we are.
2016-10-29 6:38 am
It's the advertising companies themselves.

Any web site that runs adverts - each advert company saves data relating to the pages the adverts were viewed on and saves cookies to "remember" the info in your browser.

The advert code on any page also reads the cookies it previously saved and tries to link in the most likely products to get you to click the adverts.

The info is saved in "tracking cookie" data files in your web browser, for use by future web pages / adverts.
Running ccleaner or superantispyware etc. will remove them.

[Cookies themselves are harmless, any annoying stuff is what web pages or advert inserts do with the saved info.]

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