Can a court order you to love and hold your baby?

2016-10-29 3:42 am
Babies can die from lack of affection like holding and nuzzling. Can a court of law order you to love your baby?

回答 (6)

2016-10-29 3:45 am
The judge can order a mother to attend parenting classes.
Part of the parenting classes would be showing her how to be in contact with and bond with the baby.
2016-10-29 6:27 am
No. Read up on B.F. Skinner and how he raised his kid in a box. He is considered one of the greats in Psychology.
2016-10-29 5:11 am
Of course not. Not anymore than he can order you to love anyone else.
2016-10-29 3:58 am
No but the judge can strongly order your butt into therapy.
2016-10-29 3:53 am
You can't force love.
2016-10-29 3:43 am
No that's your lost

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