Liberals talk big about "race equality", but would they say that if a black or a Mexican tried to race mix with their daughter?

2016-10-29 3:39 am
Try to answer honestly, even though honesty might not be a liberal's strong suit.

回答 (189)

2016-10-29 6:48 pm
Mexican?? Do You mean Latino or just Mexican from Mexico, I can tell the question was asked by a illiterate racist ignorant person that is too lazy or just plain hateful to learn to know the difference. No such thing as a Latino race latinos consists of every ethic group out there , I for one mixed with black Indian Spanish and German ancestry.
We are the future race the melting pot has already boiled and is now true nature Latin countries from central and South America centuries in the making and another thing Latino are also white and black
The question is reterical so yes the blacks and latinos ( Mexicans) will soon seed the white mans daughters.
2016-10-29 6:29 pm
As long as my daughter is with someone of her own choosing (Not forced into the relationship.) and if they're a good person, I don't care who my daughter ends up with. I don't know where you get your assumptions. My niece is from a mix-racial family, and I don't think anything less of her. I had another mix-racial niece, but she's not with us. The mixing of races had nothing to do with it. Both parents came from families with a lot of miscarriages. When I say I'm Liberal, I mean I see everyone as equal. No one is better or worse than anyone else. Race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, political party, it doesn't matter. We can agree or disagree, but no type of person is superior. I'm a straight, white, Christian, male, and I've dated girls from all kinds of backgrounds. My longest relationship was actually with a Mexican girl. I did flirt with a black girl, but we never dated. She was nice, but she thought her race would be a problem. It's sad that people feel that way.
2016-10-29 9:28 pm
My grandson is half Jewish an half Japanese. I don't know why this 'question' is even asked. As there are folks that are still 'Eisenhower Republicans on one side of the Great Curve, and hard core GOP/Tea/Fox/Koch/Jesus freak, white supremacists on the other you'll get a lot of opinions from these people. I'm sure that there is, at some point in that spectrum a dislike for this so-called 'race equality'....probably less now then several decades ago.

Most democrats tend to be only slightly left of center, and the real radicals are fewer and far more scattered. I suspect you would have to ask a lot of individuals as there is little agreement between these individuals on anything. Basically these days except for the hard core white supremacists nobody really cares about this issue anymore....excep maybe the loons who listen to way too much right wing radio!
2016-10-29 3:50 am
I wouldn't mind as long as that person is a good person. At the end, is not my choice, it would be hers.By the way did you know Sara Paxton is half mexican? Alexis Bledel is half mexican? Even Lynda Carter. I don't see you having problems with neither of them.
I think it would be cute having a mulatto grandson.
Oh by the way mexicans are not a race, is a nacionality, but i guess is to much to ask for some people to realize that.
At the end of the day, we are all humans, who cares about race or nationality.
2016-10-29 3:44 am
I'll admit I used to have a problem with white girls dating hispanics, because I read an article that said that hispanics have the highest rate of spousal abuse. Later I found out that said article was actually published by Fox "News", and the source was another article written by a neo-nazi group. So no, I would not mind if my daughter dated a minority. I would be angry if my daughter got pregnant in high school, or gave a child a stupid name like "Jayden" or "Kayden" or "Jaycee".
2016-10-29 12:39 pm
Liberals talk big about "race equality", but would they say that if a black or a Mexican tried to race mix with their daughter?
You're a terrible, racist, asshat human , that's the " HONESTY " you , your kind deserve !
2016-10-29 3:40 am
They wouldn't care. The only thing we care about is the kind of person they are with. I know you bigots can't fathom that. You care about stupid stuff like wealth and skin color, religion, and ethnicity.

For what it's worth, my daughter is a white Jew happily married to a Muslim Arab.
2016-10-29 5:35 am
What? That's the entire purpose of liberals preaching "race equality"-- That they don't care about race and don't think it as much as a problem to be around people of other races. Why would a liberal care when that s what they preach? That would be like a gay activist complaining about gay people. What are you smoking?
2016-10-29 1:43 pm
I'd be perfectly fine with it, my adopted brother's biological father is from the African country of Mali and his biological mother is from Kentucky and I still consider him my brother. Sometimes I even forget he was adopted.
And my white mother's boyfriend is black and he's a very good person that I like. She also has many black friends who are also pretty cool people.
Before my uncle got back together with his ex wife he dated some black women who were very nice.
The only reason I don't have very many black or Latino friends is because I live in a very white populated city but I'm planning on moving to Cleveland, which has a wide black population.
So, I wouldn't mind who my daughter dated, married, or had sex with based on race.
2016-10-29 6:50 am
My dad was a Conservative Black Creole from Louisiana and my mother is a White Woman from Ireland, and the Jewish family she was a maid for when she came to America asked her "Why are you going out with him for?". My wife is a Conservative Mexican who is a Naturalized Citizen and a 3rd Grade Teacher. With all that my son is as white as me except he doesn't get sun burn.
2016-10-31 9:40 pm
This is a hilariously ignorant question. Of course I wouldn t mind, as long as the Latino or black guy my nonexistent daughter would be mixing with is a good person with honorable intent. Some studies even show that mixed race children are naturally healthier. So dear, before you try to take liberals down, do your research.
參考: Not being a racist fool
2016-10-29 4:00 am
Doesn't bother me, my daughters both dated outside their race, and one married a Republican. THAT bothered me. But he switched when Santorum ran. That guy was too much even for him.
2016-10-29 5:24 pm
Most likely, no. As a black man, I know the game of a lot of whites who claim to be liberal, but are full of sh*t. There are the few that is actually for equality and I back them 100% because at the end of the day, we're all human. We all have bills, some family issues, love ones passing away, everyday living on this planet. I've noticed that with a lot of black people, we don't give a damn about so-called "mixing" of race. Sure, there are some black people who don't want white people "in the family" and that's due to the vile history of white people's horrific interaction with black people. It has never actually been because they are white. For the most part, we welcome everybody in. In most cases, that's been our downfall as a people because in doing so, we let unsuspected murderers in our church. Those people in that church just saw Dylan Roof as a person and wanted him to simply be apart of their service. Anyway, I don't care about so-called race mixing. Let's just get along.
參考: If something was to happen on this planet that effects everyone, all people will be together to try and stop it, and then heal each other. 911, perfect example. There was no white and black, there was just people. I saw white men, black men, hugging each other and crying because they both were traumatized. Wars start, black and white people side by side fighting the threat. Come on man, wake up. Sometimes I wish there was such a thing as aliens attacking earth lol. So we can see people coming together. We'd all get along then lol. Me and a racist would probably be kicking a** together. This damn color thing is stupid.
2016-10-29 3:56 am
Democrats have NEVER believed in racial equality. The whole mantra of the party is to keep the black man sub servant to the white man and it is true even today.
2016-10-29 5:44 am
Not sure. I am not a Liberal but a Conservative; I don't care what race man my daughter marries.
2016-10-29 1:53 pm
Well I'm not completely liberal but I am left off centre. If my theoretical daughter loves a Mexican/black man, fine by me. As long as she's happy. So what if my grandchild has more melanin in their skin than me?
2016-10-29 3:55 am
I have no daughter but of my nephews, one is married to an Ecuadorian, one to a Philippians, another to a Chinese and a final one to a Hispanic.
2016-10-29 3:44 am
I have had thousands, maybe even millions, of liberals tell me in private that they know that whites are the best race in every category, although sometimes orientals are good at math.
2016-10-29 10:54 pm
If he or she was a good person, then who cares?!? There is only one race of humans on Earth. It's a scientific fact that anyone who's passed basic Anthropology 101 would know. So what's your excuse?
2016-10-29 9:22 am
And what if the liberal in question is either Black or Mexican? Are you assuming all liberals are white racists?
2016-10-30 3:56 am
This is a rather complicated and complex question...i honesty believe it all boils down to the person(s) meaning everybody is different regardless if they're liberal or conservative. Some liberals may not have a problem with it..& some liberals may have a problem with it..just like some conservatives may not have a problem with it and there are some that may have a problem..i will use myself as an example..I'm a 40 year old conservative white wife is half African American & half Navajo Native daughter is half white a quarter African American & a quarter Navajo Native wife is a liberal..we may not agree on everything however we both said that we wouldn't mind what race or religion a guy was just as long as he treats her right & with again it just depends on the INDIVIDUAL...
2016-10-29 4:06 pm
Of course they wouldn't. A well known hallmark of the ultra-left is hypocrisy. They thrive on double standards. If Chelsea Clinton or one of Nancy Pelosi's ugly little bitches came home with some kind of drug dealing negro thug, I'm sure all of a sudden there would be a lot fewer photo ops
2016-10-29 9:27 am
Martin Luther King stated back in1963 that his dream was a man be judged by the content of his character,not the color of his skin.If u care about race,you r Not A Liberal!!'My grandson is biracial and his family loves him very much.We r all God's Children .
2016-10-29 2:50 pm
Of course. ???? Who really cares what race anyone decides to fall in love with is? Do you? Why? Why does that make any bit of difference to anyone?

Immature primitive minds think like that. I truly feel people that still have that in them have a mental level that has not "evolved" (if you want to say it that way) as much as the minds that find race meaningless and irrelevant.
2016-10-29 3:16 pm
Mixed race children are the future of humanity. If you are American you are probably already mixed. You may think that you are all white, or all black, but there is no such race as black or white. In Europe, as in Africa, Asia, and everywhere, there are many different races of people. Such as in Europe there are Germans, English, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, etc, etc, all "white". Africa has different people as well. The Tutsi's and Hutu's are the biggest but there are many others. All of these amount to tribes. All of them have noticeable physical differences. All of them have racist haters who feel superior to the others. All of them have had wars wince before history and even recently such as world war I and II. And the Rwandan genocide which was a race war of blacks exterminating different tribes.
What makes America so different is that many different tribes, which still hate each other in their homelands, have been grouped together to be called "white". And many different tribes, which still hate each other in their homelands, have been grouped together to be called "black". But you and I are actually a mixture of white races or black races. My point is we are NOT pure which is just ONE STEP up from inbreeding. We are all mixed, or genetically diverse, which makes us somewhat superior.
So be proud that your daughter is boinking a wet back, or a Coon. Your grand kids will be healthier than an inbred whiteNigger.

FYI; My strong suit is a wool blend.
2016-10-29 10:40 am
If your daughter or son race mixes, you have failed as a parent and deserve to be hung. There is nothing natural about it. We do not celebrate mutts in the animal kingdom therefore anyone who engages in creating mutts or celebrates mutts in humanity is putting themselves lower than animals.
2016-10-29 3:40 am
If I had a daughter I would not mind as long as they are a good person. My sister married a black Muslim American man, but as a white man I would rather marry a white girl.
2016-10-31 1:20 am
Don't care about petty little things like that.

I'm more interested in the person themself, not their wrapper. How mature and intelligent they are when it comes to heavy decision making. Whether or not they are productive members of society. Whether or not they would be responsible parents if a child entered the picture. Whether or not they have the capacity to hold a stable job and a clean household. You know, meaningful things like that.
2016-10-31 12:27 am
I don't understand your question. Why would it be a problem my daughter was with someone who is black or Mexican? What does that have to do with my daughter's happiness?
Ohhh, I get it now. You don't care about anyone's daughters or their happiness. You just don't want your own daughter with one because of your xenophobia. It's not about them. It's about you. Wow. I hope you don't have kids. You'd be an atrocious parent.
2016-10-30 12:10 am
As long as the man is a proper gentleman and treats my daughter well his race is no issue to me.
2016-10-29 5:31 pm
So you're saying that conservatives oppose "race equality"?
2016-10-29 4:23 pm
We are the same race "human", so I hope that wouldn't be a problem. If your concerned about cultrual/ethnic mixing, you may want to get a DNA of your heritage, because you may already be mixed. If you believe in the bible, we came from one of the Tribes, all related. If you want to get technical, Italians and Irish were not considered white when they immigrated to America, I would wonder what changed that? Things are set-up yto divide in this country and people fall for it.
2016-10-29 9:57 am
WTF? Is this even a sensible question? What's the point of your question?I'm thinking I your want agreement on your question or comment / rant then,you would have faired better by simply STFU. I hope this helps.
2016-10-29 8:57 am
I literally wouldn't care at all.
2016-10-29 8:31 am
Mexican or even Latino/Hispanic is NOT a race. Mexican is a nationality. Latino/Hispanic is a diverse cultural group composed of white hispanics, black hispanics, mixed hispanics(mestizo and mulatto), and asian hispanics. Please educate yourself before posting.
參考: BA in Gov. and History
2016-10-29 5:52 am
If they are legally married and the husband is a good guy, fine.
2016-10-29 5:20 am
I would look forward to beautiful grandchildren.
2016-10-30 5:23 am
As a "liberal" who's mixed I wouldn't care what race my future children date aslong as that person respects & treats me child with dignity I'm happy. My mom (Cuban & Native American) would probably not like my family to date white people simply stating my family had bad experiences with white people but I have white friends. My dad (Puerto Rican & black) doesn't care who I date but I usually only date black guys.
2016-10-29 9:19 pm
I'm a lefty.
I'm a white guy who dated black women (I like black people). I spent weeks in Mexico as I love the culture and the people.
I don't care who, what or where people worship (as long as it's legal).
My priority would be for my offspring to be happy. I trust I raised them right to be a good judge of character. dismissive of prejudice, bigotry etc. (people like you).
2016-10-29 7:17 pm
Race doesn't matter. It's the individual person that we judge.
2016-10-29 10:56 am
1) Population
White population was about 1/4 of the world population.
Now it is about 10%.
In the near future it will be only 7%.

2) Demographics - America, Europe, Australia
UK, London is already a white minority city.

America will a white minority country before 2050.
In 2050, 47% of the U.S. population will be non-Hispanic white.
In 1950, white population was about 90% in USA.
1n 1980, white population was about 80% in USA
in 2000, white population was about 70% in USA
Now, white population is about 60% in USA

Latinos have passed whites as the largest ethnic group in California in 2015.
As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white.

"Chinese buyers are snapping up 1 in 5 new homes in Sydney and Melbourne。"

Analysis: Russia's Far East Turning Chinese
Peter Zeihan

Germans will be a minority in Germany by 2030.
The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a nonwhite majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.

Green politician Dr. v. Berg: Germans will be a minority in Germany, this is a good thing!

Over 10 years, Canada accepted 561,165 Muslim immigrants in "a deliberate act of social engineering" .

3) Demographics, Asia
In China, 90% of the population are native Chinese.
In Japan, 98% of the population are native Japanese.
In Korea, almost 100% of the population are native Korean.
South Korea is a homogeneous society.

Demographics of China - Wiki
Demographics of japan - Wiki
Demographics of South Korea - Wiki

4) Multiculturalism
"Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, .... provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation."
---- Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, Jewish writer.
Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi - Wikipedia

"Arab migration has been the best thing that’s happened to Europe in the past 50 years…. that there’s no way to block the migration of Chinese, Pakistanis or Arabs to Europe. …. [The] more migrants from Africa and Asia who arrive. ..Sooner or later, their children and grandchildren will marry into veteran European families and change the demographics of their countries. Europe will be different."
--- Yigal Ben-Nun, Israeli Writer.

"Jews play a leading role in promoting multiculturalism in Europe."
--- Barbara Lerner Spectre, Jewish activist

"We, the Greens [Green Party] have to make sure to get as many immigrants as possible into Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. When we reach that, we will have a share of the vote."
--- Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Co-president of the European Greens.
2016-10-29 5:08 am
I am a liberal Democrat and I don't see a problem with it. if you see a problem, you have a very undeveloped mind, it may be the reason why you are a Republican.
2016-10-29 5:34 am
I am a hard core Liberal but that is crossing the line. I would kill them both. I heard that Karl Marx had the same problem when one of his daughters took up with a swarthy skinned Mexican.
"If one cannot work for the Party any longer, one must be able to look truth in the face and die like the Lafargues." Vladimir Lenin
2016-11-02 7:46 pm
Racist....nasty bigoted long as my child is happy and the person they want to marry is a good person, I would welcome them into my family.
2016-11-01 7:25 am
I don't have daughter, but my own parents wouldn't have had a problem with it.
2016-11-01 3:21 am
This seems like a loaded question but this should be a no-brainer for anyone: I couldn't care less what race my child's boyfriend (or girlfriend) is, and to that extent, what a potential grandchild would be. It simply doesn't factor in, at all. I'd judge them, like anyone sensible, by the content of their character.
2016-10-31 11:47 pm
I consider myself liberal. I'm a guy who is in love with a guy who is black and Cherokee mixed.

I think the premise of your question is flawed anyway. Who you are in love with/who your children are in love with has nothing to do with racial inequality.

I have learned a lot from my relationship with him, including watching as some people treat him entirely differently when I walk up and stand next to him when he's at a store. Some people (I won't say most, but some) do adjust their demeanor to be more polite, and less condescending when I'm standing next to him vs. when I'm standing nearby.
2016-10-31 10:13 pm
I've no idea, it depends on the liberal in question. Personally, I would be glad it wasn't an American.
2016-10-31 7:58 pm
Stop categorising people by political beliefs, religious beliefs, skin colour, nationality, ethnicity etc. Just try to be a good person and get along with everyone. That's the problem with America, they have to put everything into a discreet discriminating category.
2016-10-31 7:25 am
I think there is racism in all classes of peoples. And all colours. I know the black people do not like it when they are called racist but there are some that are just as racist as any redneck from the south. So think about your question not only for whites but all colours and then you answer honestly ... if you can.
2016-10-31 4:52 am
Absolutely. My daughters have all married men of different ethnic background and it makes for some beautiful and intelligent children. And by the way, there is no such thing as "race" except for the human race. I might add that it is often the daughters who seek out their partners, and not the other way around. In either case, the human race is enriched by the genetic mixing.
2016-10-31 4:12 am
Love does not know color. Having said that I want to point out that the royal family in England or the global elite / ruling class, does not mix with different race... by that I mean the leaders of China, Kenya, etc., keep in their own race. Strangely true when one hears the talk about equity from their own mouth.
2016-10-30 11:15 pm
My daughter is married to a mixed Mexican and white man.
Not one in our family even blinked.
2016-10-30 8:21 pm
Oh thats funny, you think only white people can and are liberal. Small world you got there, i wonder how many kids you and your beloved cousin have together, i mean preserving your genes is very important to the white surpremacist, right?
2016-10-30 7:20 pm
Some ! Latinas and specially Asian women are hot !
2016-10-30 4:48 pm
I boned your mom. Guess what "race" I am?
2016-10-30 4:10 pm
I've lived all over America and have found that the VAST MAJORITY of white liberals, live in all-white/majority-white communities. They always have some lame excuse not to live near certain minorities (blacks and Mexicans) then pronounce the diversity of their neighborhood with its 5 non-white members who will be Asian, Indian and/or Middle Eastern. I lived in black, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Chinese and truly mixed communities and those are the communities I have never seen Che t-shirts, political bumper stickers on cars, 'stop racism' signs, etc. The left doesn't like in places like Queens, NY where I have lived which is very diverse. You see, Queens isn't an 'in' section of NYC. They live in mostly white neighborhoods in Manhattan and the white colonized parts of Brooklyn and Jersey City, NJ. I, on the other hand, lived with Peruvians in an Irish neighborhood which was walking distance to a Pilipino one which was walking distance to an Indian one.
2016-10-30 1:17 pm
For most, probably not.
參考: Common sense. Reality.
2016-10-30 11:17 am
My grandson is half Jewish an half Japanese. I don't know why this 'question' is even asked. As there are folks that are still 'Eisenhower Republicans on one side of the Great Curve, and hard core GOP/Tea/Fox/Koch/Jesus freak, white supremacists on the other you'll get a lot of opinions from these people. I'm sure that there is, at some point in that spectrum a dislike for this so-called 'race equality'....probably less now then several decades ago.
2016-10-30 7:40 am
Well 1. Mexican isn't a race, I know understanding that may be hard for some conservatives 2. I wouldn't care because i have the mental capacity to know your race isn't your most defining quality and that your skin tone is determined by your ancestors proximity to the equator and that's about it
2016-10-30 5:19 am
The world has progressed since they made the movie, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" in the 1960's. You should watch the movie, though, if you get the chance. You will find that the black parents were as much or more opposed to it than the whites.
2016-10-30 2:17 am
Your question implies that all conservatives are against race equality. I know many conservatives who abhor racists like yourself.
2016-10-30 1:57 am
You know what? I'd have two qualifications for anyone who wanted to court/marry/be in a relationship with my kid, either son or daughter. I'd want them to be my child's choice--none of this BS about telling your kid who they can and cannot get together with. And I'd want them to treat my child really well, as in be loving, kind, and considerate. Other than that, I wouldn't care one whit who my child got together with. I'm much more interested in who a person is on the inside than I am in what they look like on the outside.

You seem to want to pin a racist label on me because I'm a liberal. Guess what? Between the two of us, there's just one person who seems to be racist, and that's you. Only a racist would ask such a ludicrous question, or act like there's something wrong with someone's kid marrying and having kids with either a black person or a Mexican person.

I can tell you what I WOULD have a tremendous problem with--my kid, daughter or son--getting involved with a racist or any other person with a lot of hate in their heart. That kind of situation I would really, really actively discourage.

I think that ultimately, what any parent wants for their child is a loving, caring partner.

And guess what? I also wouldn't care if the person my kid loved was the same sex. Yep, that's right--I wouldn't care if my kid was gay, either.
參考: You wanted an honest answer, and that's what you got
2016-10-30 1:45 am
YES I WOULD YOU ******* RACIST. ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL WHO GIVES A **** WHAT COLOR OF SKIN YOU HAVE IT LITERALLY MEANS NOTHING! sorry for not giving a good, persuasive, intellectual answer but, and I know this isn't an excuse, I'm just fed up with racist asses like you.
2016-10-29 8:36 pm
Yes they would say because not all Liberals are racist like you are!
2016-10-29 5:38 pm
In new york and Newjersey i'd say it's not uncommon. I know at least 2 half white/ black people. One of them is my co-worker and a chill dude
2016-10-29 4:36 pm
The problem would arise if a liberal tried to marry a white non-liberal.
2016-10-29 2:41 pm
I would release the hounds.
2016-10-29 1:36 pm
My wife's parents are liberals,and about went insane when she married a white guy...
2016-10-29 11:01 am
You know... as long as my daughter is happy i really don't care
2016-10-29 7:33 am
I wouldn't care.
2016-10-29 5:32 am
I wouldn't have a problem with it.
2016-10-31 1:14 am
only some people are like this. It's 2016, we need to stop worrying about race. It doesn't matter what race anyone is, we're all equal.
2016-10-30 10:22 pm
I'm more on the liberal side, and personally if I ever have a child, I don't mind who they choose to be a spouse, whether, black, white, gay, Muslim, disabled, etc. As long as they're happy, and their spouse is a good, respectful, person, I'll be happy.
2016-10-30 4:34 pm
I don't have children, and I don't care about race. My dad is Japanese-Irish and my mother is Italian, so before you invalidate my point, let me tell you why I think this. I cant control my children's sexual preference. They can have children with who ever they want. I would be happy if my children met the love of their live instead of forced marriage. If they get cheated on, they learn more about life.
2016-10-30 6:13 am
'Race mix' with my daughter?

I wouldn't care. She's a blonde and blue-eyed Barbie in appearance, but she's also educated, hard-working, dedicated, and high-earning, and fully capable of making her own decisions. As long as she's happy and he deserves her, it would make no difference to me if his skin was black or brown, or where his heritage lies. I care more about where he's going than where he's been.
2016-10-30 3:59 am
This is a rather complicated and complex question...i honesty believe it all boils down to the person(s) meaning everybody is different regardless if they're liberal or conservative. Some liberals may not have a problem with it..& some liberals may have a problem with it..just like some conservatives may not have a problem with it and there are some that may have a problem..i will use myself as an example..I'm a 40 year old conservative white wife is half African American & half Navajo Native daughter is half white a quarter African American & a quarter Navajo Native wife is a liberal..we may not agree on everything however we both said that we wouldn't mind what race or religion a guy was just as long as he treats her right & with again it just depends on the INDIVIDUAL...
2016-10-30 2:38 am
I hope a black or Mexican ejaculates in your daughter, or, better yet, in your wife.

Without a condom.
2016-10-30 12:16 am
You people can talk about Republicans being "Jesus Freaks" all you want, but I'm PROUD to be a "Jesus Freak", because I know that I won't be winding up in hell for all eternity. So good luck with your "logical analysis", because you can't "logically analyse" yourself out of Judgement Day.
2016-10-29 10:20 pm
Nothing, the only thing that matters is if they're a good person. We may all look different but we are all the same.
2016-10-29 7:17 pm
No doubt some would not approve
2016-10-29 2:30 pm
Unless that Liberal is high profile and running for office.
Their daughter might as well buy a device with a Briggs
and Stratten motor and lock her door.
2016-10-30 1:08 pm
This is a rather complicated and complex question...i honesty believe it all boils down to the person(s) meaning everybody is different regardless if they're liberal or conservative. Some liberals may not have a problem with it..& some liberals may have a problem with it..just like some conservatives may not have a problem with it and there are some that may have a problem..i will use myself as an example..I'm a 40 year old conservative white wife is half African American & half Navajo Native daughter is half white a quarter African American & a quarter Navajo Native wife is a liberal..we may not agree on everything however we both said that we wouldn't mind what race or religion a guy was just as long as he treats her right & with again it just depends on the INDIVIDUAL...
2016-10-29 11:19 pm
Their is no race equality when it comes to that.
2016-10-29 1:35 pm
Mixed relationships bring strife in both families.
The fact that racism is enjoying a kind of rebirth in both the US ans EU is no secret.
Tough times lie ahead I think.
2016-10-29 11:03 am
mixed marriage is actually becoming a lot more lots of liberals really are becoming more okay with that. however, sure some dont.
2016-10-29 3:42 am
you clearly don't understand how adorable mixed race kids are, you waste of space.
2016-10-30 1:25 am
TALK big is right. It's nothing but TALK. Liberals are hypocrites.
參考: Asian.
2016-10-29 3:45 am
They probably would not have a problem with it. Interracial coupling is very common and accepted, with liberals and conservatives.
2016-10-29 3:41 am

Good question.

White liberals: Do as I say, not as I do.
2016-10-29 12:38 pm
What they do in their house, and what they do in public would be two different things. I'm black and I'm not afraid to say that i wouldnt want my son or daughter mixing, nothing to do with racism, but it has to do with keeping heritage strong. They're hypocritical about this whole issue, along with other ones. I bet liberals will read this, and then down vote just because of my lack of use of "ebonics".
2016-10-30 9:31 am
liberals would actually get a big head and feel like they did something good for society if their daughter dates a black or mexican. They'll be all smug about it like when they drive around in an electric car. It'll make them feel less racist... I personally hate racism and I am for equality, but hypocritically if I had a daughter I would be upset if she dated outside of her race even though I love seeing interracial couples and support them. I mainly have problems with extreme cultural or religious differences. I would be more upset if they dated a dumber white redneck or religious person.
2016-10-29 3:46 am
Something very close to that happened to me and I was furious. Now I am not a liberal, but I can imagine being a liberal and it would make me made even if I was a liberal.

That's how I've learned how they think, just put myself in their shoes. And their minds are dark, I'll tell you. And they know deep down that they don't want their daughters marrying coloreds
2016-11-15 1:18 am
Liberals talk big about "race equality", but would they say that if a black or a Mexican tried to race mix with their daughter? Roman Catholic sign of the cross is upside down, done with five fingers instead of three, is done from left to right instead of right to left, etc. (basically inviting demons). Antichrist's Third Temple will have 8 chambers: a chamber per main religion; antichrist will be crowned in this temple; during crowning, he won't read the "belief prayer" correctly (rejecting Christ and acknowledging himself); when he will take his gloves off to make sign of the cross incorrectly (just for show), many people will see his big nails and will reject him; Patriarch (who will be crowning him) will say that this is the antichrist; antichrist will kill him. Also, antichrist will kill those priests who disagree with him at the 8th "wolf" Council; others will worship him when a bird dies at his feet. Roman Catholics, Satanists, and Buddhists use the same mudras; if you see these mudras on an icon, then it's not Orthodox icon; Orthodox icon has IC XC symbol (Jesus Christ). Roman Catholics pay drunks and prostitutes to pose for icons; passions of drunks and prostitutes transfer to those who pray to these images. Normal Orthodox icons are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Gaad in Ruski = Satan; hence, Americans = blasphemers because they always say: "Oh, my god!". Santa (word for Saint in Satanic languages) = Satan; hence, Spanish + Italian + Portuguese = blasphemers. Anathema to Satanic languages; triple anathema. Learn Church Slavonic; no curses in it; curses = prayer to Satan. All religions except Orthodoxy worship Satan. On bread for communion: IC XC NIKA (Jesus Christ Conquers) plus cross = Orthodox; hexagram plus Dusha Maya = antichrist. Jews and Muslims pray head down (either standing, bowing, or kneeling); this is Satanic prayer. Orthodox look into the eyes of icon; energy goes their way; they get healed; head and shoulders come together to reject Satan slowly and then fast to normal showing allegiance to Christ and not the devil. Hands cannot be on groin or behind back; either put them crossing each other on chest (right over left) or just by your sides. Legs together so that a demon doesn't run underneath your legs. Clergy who will not "put Buddhist icons and serve antichrist's blood" will be killed; only 7 churches will be left as Pelageya of Ryazan predicted. In 2006 and at other meetings, fake patriarchs and bishops signed a bunch of documents betraying Orthodoxy by saying that all religions worship the same Supreme Being; triple anathema; don't let heretics tell you what to do. America will be last country to switch to Euro. Three big earthquakes will shake the three superpowers; 1st big earthquake in Russia; 2nd (bigger one) in China; 3rd (biggest of the three) will be in America. NATO will nuke Ukraine to blame Russia for it; then NATO will nuke Russia from Scandinavia. China will attack Russia; but will not get past Ural Mountains; bio-genetic weapon will be used against Chinese soldiers (they will run back to China and hide in closets in fear) and weather weapon will freeze Siberia to - 200 Celcius; stadium-size chunks of unmeltable ice will fall from the lower sky (because when rockets go into higher sky they bring this ice down to lower sky). Russia will destroy Turkey and America. China will have a hole across the whole country to the abyss (because of another super weapon used to stop Chinese aggression); radiation from this hole will be massive; Chinese will try to keep quiet about it; a lot of people will fall into this hole.
Scientists don't see dinosaurs because of radiation. Only Eurasia and Alaska (both without coasts) will remain after demons blow up Antarctica (which surrounds the flat earth) and Greenland melts. Move to Ural Mountains or inland Alaska. Sionists wanted war between Russia and Germany from June 11th to October 11th on their holidays because (666 times 3)+(6 times 3) = 2016 (in their twisted logic).
Tube people = demons. Clones = demons. Human costumes that demons wear = demons. Dinosaurs and 666ed people have triple stranded DNA; normal person can't swallow 666ed food (designed for 666ed people). Demons live inside clones. Bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (who discovered Bubonic plague) is depicted on the Shroud of Turin. There is another shroud (Shroud of Milan) on which blasphemer Yosef (who was crucified on a pole in 1066 AD) is depicted. Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Lenin (el=deity in Hebrew, nine = no in German; so, when chanted repeatedly is blasphemy against the Creator), and Yosef were possessed by Azazel; now, Rico Cortes is possessed by Azazel.
WW3 happens; 7% of people will be left; after people are tired of war, they will elect the antichrist as one world leader; don't vote. ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Next false flag: Statue of Liberty in order to attack Iran; one big shake, one giant step forward, one giant collapse. Move away from coasts as nukes will go off in the ocean (at where tectonic plates meet; result: megatsunamis 1km high).
Wear natural clothing so that if a bomb goes off it won't stick to the body as fast as synthetic clothes. All metal will be burned for fuel; so, save knives, crowbars, shovels, wood-burning stoves, etc. Also, save cloth/fabric/textile to cover the wounds and diseases.
Eat natural food because nanochips, cells of aborted fetuses, bug DNA, and other poisons are in food that is commonly sold; reject vaccines, medical care, medicine, etc. because nanochips are administered thru IVs, implants, fillings, etc. If 1000-1500 nanochips are in your right hand, then you can't make proper Orthodox sign of the cross with the right hand; last mercy for you then will be to cut the hand off.
Seraphim of Sarov and Sergiy of Radonezh will be resurrected after WW3 for a short time; Seraphim of Sarov will show the new Ruski Tsar who will fight the antichrist for about 2 years and 8 months. Those who go see Seraphim of Sarov will be healed of their infirmities/illnesses/sicknesses/ diseases; if you want to see him then, hurry because he won't stay longer than a few weeks.
Earth is flat; stands on 3 pillars (the Most Holy Trinity); pillars stand on water at zero Kelvin. Zodiac is planetary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good. Sleep fully clothed; pray the Jesus prayer. Pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep.
Humans were created about 7525 years ago. Ruski Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist.
Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia.
Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer.

Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets.
Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old. He flies very fast; deceived people will say that "Christ is here; Christ is there". Sometimes, he wears blue robe over left shoulder while red robe is underneath. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. Antichrist will trick people to believe that he can do mountain moving and resurrection (using holograms); fire from the sky is easy (considering the gases from pollution in the atmosphere).
Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Green 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on the highways. Microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take grey plastic card; but when they do, 666 is given. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell.
If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from temporary hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from temporary hell. Forgive me.рязанская&w=wall-25720730_57029%2Fall
2016-11-02 4:20 am
I hope we're not keeping you from the Nobel Prize award ceremony.
2016-11-01 9:55 pm
Your ignorance is really showing. "Mexican" isn t a race. Latinos are Caucasian.

As for you question... I am a liberal white woman who doesn t have a daughter, but I do have two sons. One of them recently married a young woman who is half black, half Japanese. They love each other and make each other happy, and that is all that matters to me. That is my honest answer; whether you, or anyone who has posted an answer here, believes it is not my problem.
2016-11-01 9:07 pm
I don't have a daughter, but my son can feel free to love anyone he wants to. Black, White, Asian, Muslim, Indian...I just want he and his significant other to be happy.
2016-11-01 7:45 pm
I has nothing to do with liberal or conservative when it comes to picking a partner for most people. People worry about life chances they see the racism, minorities have to deal with. We do not want that to be a factor in their happiness.
2016-11-01 12:48 pm
Mutato nomine de te Fabula narratur
2016-11-01 10:30 am
If you mix with a Mexican or Black highly likely they will have those kind of features. So if you don't care go on and fall in love and get married
2016-11-01 5:30 am
You'll like this video. Talks a lot about the Democratic Party and racism. Bill whittle is also awesome, so check him out.
2016-11-01 2:15 am
Not sure ask urself
2016-10-31 11:48 pm
Your question shows how superficial you are. The measure of a person's character and intellect is a lot deeper than skin color or ethnicity. Being in an interracial marriage myself I can say that I encounter your kind with regularly as do our children. We both have doctorates, are employed with children doing very well in school and those that know us, know. Our respective families love and accept us completely because we love and accept each other. I pity people with such small, narrow minds, as you'll never truly understand people or the world.
2016-10-31 11:11 pm
YES LMAO WHY WOULD I CARE? I m guessing you care... for some reason?
2016-10-31 11:02 pm
If I had a daughter, I would be a little disappointed if she preferred non-whites. However, I don't think women can really grasp this concept without interpreting it as racist. I'm not racist, I'm "me-ist". Regardless of my race, I would want my daughter to want to be proud of her heritage and would want her to want to give her children the same upbringing as she had. All we have in this life is the ability to pass down our genes to our children. Mixing race almost seems like a slap to your parent's face. Like saying, "hey your genes weren't good enough, so I'm going to try some of these genes over here".

Obviously, if I had a daughter I would keep all of this to myself.
2016-10-31 10:57 pm
Yes they would because they're not nazis.
2016-10-31 10:50 pm
I would feel a lot better than if white trash "tried to mix" with her.
2016-10-31 10:04 pm
2016-10-31 9:44 pm
2016-10-31 7:52 pm
Right on! With the Liberals, it's "do as I say, not as I do!" They like to decide what's good for everyone else but themselves! Harry Reid comes to mind!
2016-10-31 6:51 pm
Dude, not everyone is racist.
2016-10-31 6:47 pm
I'm a liberal that is of Iraqi and European (American) decent, this is a stupid question.
2016-10-31 1:41 pm
i am liberal i have a great cousin who is mix white black i accept him; i have a great uncle whose dead now is japanese i accept him; i have mexican cousins i accept them. do you judge much. i think its the libs who would allow this the sickness of black lives matter the igorance of some of their elite is sicking and borderline raceists. now not all are raceists and do have a point. you think repubs allow race mixing your a idiot
2016-10-31 12:19 pm
not relating or pertinent to the matter at hand; not important
2016-10-31 10:31 am
2016-10-31 9:26 am
I'm a liberal. I will give the most honest answer I can. First I want my daughter happy. The second I'm a white, strongly opinionated non racist, male. I do feel guilty being this honest but please hear me through. I hope my kids would want to keep the bloodline relatively pure as I believe most of our segregated population in US and world would feel the same way deep down. I say this bc I was raised to be proud of my heritage which is Scottish, German, Irish. I will to try to teach them about our heritage. But they need to know there's a huge world out there with endless amounts of people and beliefs. So I would prefer them to stay w a white person. However not at the expense of my children's happiness; not even for them to be unhappy one minute with a white person over a minority. I would always find a way to love them though. I get it change can be good. It's how we grow. But we need this to stop being about color and more about happiness. Sounds corny but not COLOR but happiness!!
2016-10-31 8:11 am
Nice trolling bro
2016-10-31 5:11 am
Process is already going on.
2016-10-31 4:59 am
I've never heard of any 'liberals' having a problem with 'race mixing' its the conservatives that might have a problem since they are so against change of any kind. Hatred is something people need to get rid of in their lives. You live your life like you want, and let everyone else do the same. That also includes daughters and sons, parents are not their owners and dont get to decide for them whom they marry.
2016-10-31 4:38 am
I have a daughter who has mixed children, and I'm more concerned if they put forth effort and hard work and I'm not a conservative, I'm a "moderate" but am considered a liberal at work, who has never taken a govt handout in 58 years, well...................... I got the VA bill and cons after WW2 called that a handout too.
2016-10-31 2:55 am
I would hope most liberals with daughters would leave the choice of a mate up to them - otherwise, why have daughters? So you can perpetuate the bigot tradition?
2016-10-31 1:56 am
2016-10-31 12:49 am
Racism is a myth, the KKK are a joke, and race equality already exists. It has nothing to do with anything.
2016-10-31 12:12 am
Any person with a brain would not care if their character was good
2016-10-30 11:12 pm
yes they would .They would sacrifice there own daughters genetic code Such is the liberal mind.
2016-10-30 9:17 pm
What exactly is your point? I have one daughter-in-law who is very dark skinned Dominican, another daughter-in- law who is Thai and as son-in-law who is white. It doesn't bother me.
2016-10-30 7:07 pm
I don't think most people would care???
2016-10-30 6:55 pm
I don't see why it would matter. My theoretical daughter's happiness would be most important in the end.
2016-10-30 4:55 pm
2016-10-30 3:00 pm
The very way you asked the question is racist. The question seems to ignore the fact that there are Blacks and Latinos who don't approve of interracial marriage.
2016-10-30 1:32 pm
its awesome :)
2016-10-30 1:30 pm
2016-10-30 12:59 pm
As I say it is okay as long as it is not in their hood or family.
2016-10-30 11:48 am
Get out of the gop closet
2016-10-30 10:39 am
2016-10-30 6:59 am
Some mexicans are white or close enough that the offspring looks almost white... Black/white mix do usually look black though.
2016-10-30 5:30 am
If I have kids I don't care what race they decide to date. It shouldn't matter.
2016-10-30 5:03 am
A lot less problem than the average Con would have.
2016-10-30 4:09 am
2016-10-30 4:06 am
exactly. Liberals and Conservatives suck.
2016-10-30 3:49 am
Speaking honestly, it really depends on the liberal. Some people who are liberal are hypocritical about their belief in racial equality, and some are prejudiced but are unconscious of it. At heart, they're just as stupid, emotionally screwed up and "tribalistic" in their feelings as any white nationalist.

However, some liberals really are free of the sick emotional fears and resentments and the wild fantasies that cause people to be racist. These liberals really do look on their fellow humans without fear, hate or prejudice, and they're likely to say, "Hey, if my daughter loves this guy, and if he loves her, that's all I need to know."

Of course,there's a tendency for EVERY father, of ever race, to look on most of his daughter's boyfriends with suspicion. There's a similar tendency for most mothers, of every race, to believe that no young woman out there will ever be good enough for her previous son.

But that's not racist thinking, just parental pride & a certain kind of jealousy, plus a fear of losing their children to the Big Bad World as the children grow up.

--democratic socialist for truth & common sense
2016-10-30 3:46 am
They would say oy vey!
2016-10-30 3:30 am
"Race Mix?" you're a new, undiscovered, special kind of stupid. you know that? you should be examined in a a TEAM....
2016-10-30 2:07 am
I, a moderate with liberal tendencies, can assure you NO liberal cares if their child marries someone of a different race. If my child is happy and is not doing illegal things, I do not care who they marry. As long as they are happy. That's all I want. And, might I remind you, it's the right side that complains about white genocide and race mixing.
2016-10-30 1:56 am
In the intervening years, the desire of consumers to have year round access to highly perishable produce has caused plant breeders to hybridize plants so they create produce that can withstand traveling great distance and long storage. We have fruits and vegetable that look great after being trucked across America or shipped halfway round the world. But in the bargain to have strawberries and tomatoes in winter, we now sacrifice flavor for “freshness”. The plant breeders have not been able to breed long storage and great flavor into the more fragile produce.

The stuff sold at farmers’ markets are typically grown in season and some with heirloom seeds producing fruits and vegetables that have fantastic flavor and texture, but very short usable life spans that cannot travel very far. If you know more you can this coolrooms site visit...
2016-10-30 1:47 am
They are already the same race.
2016-10-29 11:56 pm
I'm sure they'd be fine running a marathon with either kind
2016-10-29 11:07 pm
2016-10-29 10:27 pm
liberal or conservative they all love BBC
2016-10-29 9:04 pm
Better yet, ask that question to a Conservative!
2016-10-29 7:57 pm
2016-10-29 7:42 pm
And you have never looked at a black or hispanic girl...or boy, and never wanted to date them?.....yeah right!
2016-10-29 7:19 pm
I'll answer it simply put.. there is not race.. NASA an those before them their forefathers made that ideal that is held to this day.. well it's about to crumble and you know it. What will be your next move NASA trying to prove once again that this world this plain is real? That we aren't in a sim.. 8) heh .. okay.
2016-10-29 7:14 pm
2016-10-29 5:43 pm
Am unsure but knowing some, they would holler foul.
2016-10-29 5:36 pm
I would be a hypocrite to have a problem with it. I've dated men from different ethnic groups, including black and Latino.
2016-10-29 5:16 pm
Listen to "the gates f. tonedeff" by the cunnin lynguists for your answer
2016-10-29 4:45 pm
2016-10-29 4:39 pm
2016-10-29 4:29 pm
I would ask if they had been properly introduced.
2016-10-29 3:11 pm
My daughter married a non-white guy. As long as he treats her right (and he does), I'm fine with that.
2016-10-29 3:09 pm
As a matter of fact, I don't mind; my daughter married someone not of our background or culture or our ethnicity; she married a Caucasian (about 23 years ago).
2016-10-29 2:53 pm
I only know a few liberals but the things they say about blacks isn't very nice. My guess is they wouldn't like it.
2016-10-29 1:51 pm
do you go to Mexican to speak Swedish?
2016-10-29 1:50 pm
Jesus was a liberal. Are you saying youre against the teachings of Jesus ?.
2016-10-29 1:26 pm
We all know the answer to this question.
2016-10-29 5:01 am
2016-10-31 7:43 pm
I don't have any kids. But if I had a daughter I wouldn't care if she brought a black woman home, but I would if it was a black guy. Mexican I probably wouldn't care.
2016-10-30 1:30 pm
White liberals live in the whitest and richest areas. Like all the Celebrities that support Hillary. They don't have to live amongst the non whites so they largely don't care about the border. It's not their house getting robbed.
2016-10-30 4:37 am
Conservatives talk about how no one ever should be able to have an abortion until their daughter starts dating a black guy. Then suddenly it might have its charms. douchebags.
2016-10-30 4:33 am
You have received thoughtful answers. Too bad you wasted people's time, TROLL.
2016-10-30 2:27 am
This retired Liberal has had more than 2 decades of paid
public sector diversity training. Yearly. It helps people like
us deal with all citizens equally. For people like my reader
I question your ability to judge if paid DNA testing fails to
certify your own racial heritage claim. Being born white
tells us nothing of the other colors under your skin from
consensual and non-consensual sexual history. To learn
more about talking big this Liberal recommends testing -
2016-10-30 1:38 am
Wouldn't like it.
2016-10-30 12:27 am
Hell no. Just like they love the Mexicans and Syrians but will never let them in their homes to care for them
2016-10-29 10:10 pm
Nah its the conservatives that would be against eugenics
2016-10-29 9:13 pm
I get what you mean, East Asians (Koreans, Japanese, Chinese) and West Asians (Indians) have some strict families that want their kids to marry men or women of their own race. There are definitely elders who call out racism when it's done to Asians and Indians and want fairness, but when it comes to bloodlines, they want their own people. But it's only a marriage tradition, it's not racism. Racism is when you hate on a certain race, but they are not hating, those families just want to maintain a pure bloodline.

But mind you, all Asians nowadays are more modernized. I know plenty Asians who have married blacks, whites, and Latinos. I have a friend Who was in the army (she is Chinese) who married a black Creole man). So race doesn't really matter anymore.
2016-10-29 8:30 pm
Nope. My family stays white, no n!ggers aloud
2016-10-29 7:33 pm
2016-10-29 4:51 pm
I think it probably is up to the daughter if she wants to mix with either, the lib might object but if he loves his daughter he will go along with her choice(hopefully she will realize her mistake if there is one before it is too late)
2016-10-29 2:51 pm
Marrying outside of one's race is more likely to end in nasty divorce but begins even nastier. People dislike mixed marriages and isolate mixed couples and mixed children from the rest of the community. No, you can't have it all. Really, no point in race mixing. You can always find someone within your own race or no one at all.
2016-10-29 1:49 pm
I'm proud of my daughter & her family. I have beautiful grandson.
2016-10-29 10:29 am
Not a liberal, and if a non-white was dating my daughter I would murder them.
2016-10-29 8:48 am
Their daughters probably have hairy arms anyways, so who cares..?
2016-10-29 8:42 am
Hell no!
2016-10-29 5:32 am
2016-10-29 4:35 am
Hillary would have them taken care of.
2016-10-29 10:42 pm
Oh yes they would. They are the most perverted of all political groups out there. Not only would they like it, they would invite more for a train gang bang!

BTw, almost doesn't cut it. Did you get ANY degree? If not if you were one class away from getting a PhD then you should at least qualify for a Masters.
2016-10-29 10:13 pm
They would not even let a street person in their home. They are hyper hypocrites, one and all.
2016-10-29 6:33 am
Well I'm %80 Spanish (spain)
Yet I'm blonde haired with blue eyes and white skin. And yes I prefer white girls with blonde hair and blue/green eyes.
Maybe I'm just naturally attracted to breeding with people who look like me....idk
I'm currently living the white life and it's pretty decent.
Ps. I speak fluent English and Spanish without accent.
So I could mix with white chicks and no one would know.
But of course we run the risk of brown babies

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