should i just forget about girls?

2016-10-29 1:23 am
I never were in a relationship with girls ever, have your pick, bottom line is i have too much personal and physical problems although I am 26, and up to this point it seems that there is no place for me to even find girls i know there is a lot but my lifestyle and who i am no matter what i do i always don t attract them should i just forget about them and accept being lonely since it impossible for me to change or get a girl?

回答 (2)

2016-10-29 1:42 am
Sometimes it's better to not have a girl.

If your lifestyle determines you to be lonely, think about changing it.

However, if you don't want to change, then you can still buy girls out with money if you're really feeling desperate, but that's deep ****.

I recommend trying out a dating site to find the right girl.
2016-10-29 1:26 am
There is plenty of advice in books and on Youtube. Change impossible? We cannot avoid changing! We can make decisions about the directions we wish to take, and this can include improving our self confidence.

Catch Anthony Robbins on Yutube

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