How much do people make on Youtube?

2016-10-29 12:58 am
My little brother has a YouTube channel with about 1400 views from all his videos (he started 2 months ago, so not bad) and has only made about 55 cents. This seems low. I heard they get about $100/1000 views

回答 (4)

2016-10-29 1:05 am
There is no set amount people make. It depends on ad views and other factors. To get paid, you have to have $100 in your Adsense balance, which is about 100,000 views. Not to mention that Google takes a cut of what you make, and so does Uncle Sam....

Unless your brother gets thousands upon thousands of views each day, he's not going to be making much money for a very long time.
2016-10-29 6:10 am
The old rate was something between 15-20 cents after 1,000 unique views. This means all those thousands must watch the advertisements.
2016-10-29 2:55 am
There is no set amount, it depends on how your viewers react to the adverts attached to the video. More clicks on ads, more pay.

But numbers or $1 or $2 per 1,000 views is more reasonable, and probably in line with what he's seeing.

If you want to make money, you need views up in the 100,000s
2016-10-29 1:07 am
If people get $100/1000 views, everyone would be a millionaire and YouTube would go bankrupt!

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