The FBI reopened the Clinton Email investigation - how do you think it will affect the presidential race?

2016-10-28 8:37 pm
In an eventful turn of events, the FBI has reopened its investigation of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her use of a private email client. What do you think will be the result for her and Republican nominee Donald Trump?

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回答 (558)

2016-10-30 3:59 pm
Clinton will say the FBI reopened the email investigation as a political move by the Republicans to affect the presidential race. BUNK! The investigation is being reopened because the recently released Wikileaks emails prove that Hillary lied to the FBI under oath. She said before that she gave them all of the emails on her private server. Wikileaks proves that she did not give them all of the emails. There are thousands of her emails in the Wikileaks releases that she did not give to the FBI. Thus, two blatant wrongdoings have been committed by Hillary Clinton: 1. Having a private email server. 2. Lying to the FBI under oath. Many Americans who supported Hillary in the past have now lost their affection for her because of her dishonesty. They're moving to Trump and we see this in the latest polls. Hillary's lies are catching up with her and more and more Americans are seeing it with their own eyes.
2016-10-28 8:46 pm
It can potentially affect the presidential race, and I believe the race is already closer than most people think. I am actually a Hillary supporter and although obviously I don't want a President who is corrupt the fact is that Hillary has never been proven guilty of anything and the FBI didn't even find enough evidence to prosecute her last time. That said many Americans will read into these sort of things. Although I believe that Hillary will ultimately win the election, it will not necessarily be in a landslide. That is why us Hillary Supporters must mobilize and not be complacent. I am headed off to volunteer in a swing state next week!
2016-10-30 9:26 pm
It WASN'T reopened! They are investigating NEW emails found in the Wiener case. It was a crime for the FBI to release this information this soon before the investigation. They should have waited till after the election. There is a 60 day rule they violated. Yes, it will affect this race. I still think Hillary will win, though. Trump is crazy
2016-10-29 12:10 am
The FBI hasn't actually reopened the email investigation. All they are doing is looking at some emails uncovered during the investigation into whether Anthony Wiener exchanged sexually explicit images with minors. At this time there is no indication the emails contain anything pertinent to Clinton or any classified information.
2016-10-30 3:17 am
Here's a clue....NOBODY but real deplorables really care about the damned E-mails. If there was any 'there' there I'm sure someone would know about it by now. Anyone with any sense knows that nothing is hidden these days and anything that's really 'secret' is encrypted sixteen different ways. The GOP/Tea/Fox/Koch/Jesus freak party has nothing worthwhile to sell so they're hoping that character assassination will buy them some votes. They put up a crazy person to be president that's so bad that even his own people are running away from him.

Right wing loons addicted to 'Weasel News' and the those crackpots on right wing radio will vote for Trump. People with sense ALWAYS vote for the democrats. Bring back the Eisenhower republicans and that could turn around. Ironically if Trump is elected the low paid, benefit bereft working class folks that are aching to vote him and his posse of rascals in will be the ones to suffer the worst.
2016-10-31 12:55 pm
Just follow this verse from the Bible then and you are good to go.
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings."

some will say story the other way around that look like they know politics, like this:

Clinton will say the FBI reopened the email investigation as a political move by the Republicans to affect the presidential race. BUNK! The investigation is being reopened because the recently released Wikileaks emails prove that Hillary lied to the FBI under oath. She said before that she gave them all of the emails on her private server. Wikileaks proves that she did not give them all of the emails. There are thousands of her emails in the Wikileaks releases that she did not give to the FBI. Thus, two blatant wrongdoings have been committed by Hillary Clinton: 1. Having a private email server. 2. Lying to the FBI under oath. Many Americans who supported Hillary in the past have now lost their affection for her because of her dishonesty. They're moving to Trump and we see this in the latest polls. Hillary's lies are catching up with her and more and more Americans are seeing it with their own eyes.
2016-11-02 6:22 am
It will have a major effect both now and in the future. These emails are copies of the bleached and redacted emails that were requested by congress, and by the FBI during the numerous investigations over the last two years. Thes have the metadata and the distribution lists still attached, which will allow the investigation to widen and expand through the clinton foundations (there are actually 5 or more). also numerous doners and supporters of the Clintons. These are also obtained by warrants and subpoenas, legally from a public server under federal laws. There is no way they can cover or hide these emails and they will connect the dots for all the issues she has been dealing with. This will follow her the rest of her life and she and bill will be battling civil and criminal proceedings well beyond her election (if that happens). This is the gift that keeps giving, or if you will, the "smoking gun". The entire Clinton Dynasty will crumble as a result of this information.
2016-10-30 10:57 am
I see the hand of DT in this, he has used his influence to initiate this 'new' investigation. For the sake of democracy in your country (USA) this allegetion must be made public and resolved quickly. Until this is done the Presidential election cannot take place. Remember that these are only allegations, we do not know if they have substance or are just a smokescreen. However it does seem strange that the very emotive subject of child sex abuse has been used, who in their right mind would ignore these allegations. So untill their is closeure, the elecetion should be halted. For the DT supporters, what would you think if the Clinton camp accused DT of child sex abuse, he would have to be investigated by the FBI just as the Clinton issue is being investigated. You would see this as a bad time to air such allegations and would expect them to be resolved before the election campaign and the election continued. We are now scraping the bottom of the barrel in USA politics.
參考: A Limey onlooker who is amazed at how low people will go on either side.
2016-11-01 2:37 pm
Those that are hell bent on voting for Hillary, no matter what she has done or did will still do so. They will make up some reason to vote for her and blame it on some other factor.

The most popular excuse currently is that the right wing Republican party is out to get her, as they did Bill Clinton.

This entire situation could be over and done with.

All Hillary had to do was say here are all my email, come and get them. If there is personal email, I would like to keep it private. You may sort through the email and make a decision as to what is business related and what is personal.

There had to be some really damaging evidence in these emails that were destroyed, for her to be willing to take this much flack for destroying the evidence.

The congress issued a subpoena for all the email and devices that held the email.

What did Hillary do, along with the ill advice of her attorney(s)? She decided she would decide what information she would give to congress and the devices she would give. So she destroyed evidence and the devices that held the evidence.

Had a normal every day citizen destroyed evidence the way she did they would find themselves in a lot of legal problems as, they would have had their rights read to them, and arrested for destroying evidence.

With all these legal entanglements hanging over her, it appears as she would decided, for the good of the country she would step aside.

Nope there is nothing about the good of the country she is thinking about. She is thinking of the good of Hillary Clinton. She want to be the first woman president and nothing would stop her from doing this even if it mean she will go to jail in doing it.

There is nothing patriotic about her running for president, she could care less of what effect she would cause the United State by her running for the president. This thought never and would not enter her mind.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2016-11-01 10:38 pm
Some zero hedge Ian Mellul on a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero - a 22 year old recent college graduate member of the White House Office Staff - the Emails came from Mellul's personal gmail account - thousands of fumble piffle emails spanning February 2015 through July and September 2016 - an obvious violation of statutory law and serious negligence by the Head of the Federal Bureau Investigation who should be arrested with meddling with a Presidential Election as mentioned an obvious violation of the Federal Records Act of the constitution of the United States of America -
參考: Counter Intelligence Report 31:37 GMT 01 November 2016

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