If you live in a apartment does the package you order arrive at your place or somewhere else?

2016-10-28 8:13 pm
So it's my first time ordering and Im scared about where the package might go Idk if they leave it out side the apartment door or postal near the area help plzz!!!

回答 (7)

2016-10-28 8:59 pm
Every carrier has their own methods. It may be in the manager's office, or at your mailbox, or your apartment door. You should always be specific on your shipping information as to the location. You can now leave a note for your mailman to put the package where you want it. This is nothing to be 'scared' about. How old are you?
2016-10-28 8:26 pm
So if you are using UPS or Fedex. You can go into their website and change delivery to "Will Call". For Fedex, that means a Fedex/Kinkos location.
2016-10-28 8:13 pm
they usually leave it at the leasing office. sometimes, they'll leave it on a door or a patio in your apartment.
2016-10-30 2:53 pm
If it is safe to leave outside your door (it usually isn't), then the Carrier would leave it at your door. If it isn't, then they will either have an agreement with management to leave it in the office, or they will take it back to the post office if you are not home to receive it - in either case, they will leave a notice on your door or in your mailbox. FedEx and UPS do the same - except they can't leave a notice in your mailbox, they just leave the notice at your door.
參考: I deliver packages.
2016-10-29 2:29 am
it will be delivered to the address you indicate as the delivery address
2016-10-29 1:11 am
You need to speak personally with your Letter Carrier about your needs. There is no standard solution.
參考: Retired Letter Carrier
2016-10-28 9:19 pm
You either have a mailbox or you do not. If you do not, then you pick it up at the post office.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.

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