Do you think personality tests should be a factor allowed in hiring a candidate before you even meet the candidate?

2016-10-28 4:14 pm
Do you believe online personality quizzes that jobs give are a good indicator of success. I have over 7 years experience and solid references and didn't get a job I am qualified for because of a personality test.

Would you consider yourself less; A. Motivated. B. Loyal C. Outgoing or D. Trustworthy

What is the correct answer, who knows?

回答 (5)

2016-10-29 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
I loathe these things. The answer choices never seem to fit me at all. Ever. So I end up just selecting random answers half the time.

Sometimes the answer is pretty obvious what not to put. Obviously in your example d is not a good answer. But neither are the rest. If I was posed that on an application I'd probably pick c as the lesser evil.

They are meant to give an idea of who you are as a person. But I veer towards them being useless. People know about them, they will pick the answers that make them appear better rather than close to the actual truth. Again with your example I picked c as it seems the lesser of 4 evils. However I based that on how I perceived the desired answer. The reality could be that I'm less motivated. Or loyal. Or trustworthy. But I'm hardly going to admit to any of them if I'm looking for a job.

I so wish companies would just stop with these dashed things.
2016-10-28 4:17 pm
Personality tests are normally just an indicator of what kind of person you are and whether or not you would fit in with the company. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer. You just have to be honest. If you were rejected over your responses, you probably would not have been a good fit for the place you were applying to anyway!
(P.S, for me, the answer would have been C. Motivation, loyalty and trustworthiness are vital and they are qualities that can't be learnt if you don't already have them - they can only be faked. Confidence on the other hand, will grow with time and experience).
2016-10-28 5:33 pm
To the extent that personality tests can be correlated to job performance, then yes they should be a factor. If no correlation exists, then they should not be.
2016-10-28 4:16 pm
If it's a personality test, there is not supposed to be a right or wrong answer.

With questions like that, I generally pick the less ominous answer, so I would have gone with C.
2016-10-28 4:15 pm
I don't object. That you seem to think there is a correct answer for a personality test indicates that you might be a bad hire for them afterall.

The right way to look at it: you wouldn't have fit in there and ultimately would have been unhappy.

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