
2016-10-28 1:18 pm
一家三口在正申請公屋(二大人一小童), 之前已見過一次主任, 當時入息是合資格的, 現在正等待派樓. 但本人今年剛畢業, 需找工作, 現有幾個問題:

1. 當中有二人是領綜援, 大約一萬元左右, 請問是計算在收入的嗎?
2. 配屋前會再一次審查入息嗎? 因我見到有些人說不會?
3. 另, 家母堅持說會隨機抽查入息, 不是已配樓的才有機會隔機抽查嗎?
4. 請問是計6個月的平均收入嗎?
5. 因本人只是於這一年內工作, 明年應該會全職讀書, 若明年才派樓,這一年的收入會有影響嗎?
5. 如真的要入息審查, 請問是否可以於半年後重新申請上訴?

GARY: 即現在三人入息限額是$22,390, 若如你所說, 綜援不計算在內, 即我個人收入不超過$22,390便可以? 另, 你說是二年, 所以是二年內的收入平均值嗎? 假如我這一年有一萬元, 上一年沒有收入, 所以平均值是(12x10000+12x0)/24 = $5000 對嗎? 先謝謝你的解答 :)

回答 (2)

2016-10-28 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. They should be reported. But they will not be considered as income.

2. Yes.

3. No. It is not random. Before a housing unit can be assigned, a final review must be performed.

4. 2 years.

5. Yes.

6. (You labeled 5) Mostly no.


1. You misunderstood. I never said the CSSA payment will be excluded.

CSSA is not an income because it is a social welfare. However, as it is a financial resource made available to the recipient, you are still required to report it as a non-income.

(At the same time - the CSSA payment will be reduced accordingly as well.)

2. If I remember correctly, the Department does not use typical logic in calculating income. So I will say no on this.
2016-11-23 8:14 am

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