Man: What food do you like?
Woman: Well, a lot of things, but ….. (0:08-0:09) I like anything. But I like sea food..
Woman: Fast food? I ... fast food. (0:59)
Man: No..No.. They are only …..ish with nothing. ….of fish n chips?(1:00-1:03)
Man: Fondue? Ah. Cool. Anything else, you know like fun food, do you like, I don't now, like ice cream, you know, junk food (1:30)
Woman: I am in love with junk food. That's dangerous.
Woman: Ice cream, especially. I don't know if I can stop like......(1:41) I really love sugary stuff.
Woman: I like ice cream, I like chocolate chip cookies, I like... e.. put a lot of sugar in my coffee.. I like whatever .. ya, I can't stop, it's like French vanilla coffee (1:54) ... I can drink more than ten big ones in a day. Ya, ya.
Woman1: I love Thai food. Thai food is long my favorite food ever (2.11-2.12). Ya.
Woman1: Really? Truthly, I can't stand feeling the texture.. Really, it's gross..
Woman2: That's gross, ya. I don't like cucumbers.
Woman1: Really? Oh!, Cucumbers? Why don't like about them? (2:40)
Woman2: I don't know. I just.. I don't like the smell.
Woman1: The smell?
Woman2: …... green (2:45).
I like crisp, crunchy things(3.04). I don't like soft mush..(3.06)things