How often should I walk my new puppy?

2016-10-28 5:09 am
He's kinda small and plays a lot and he's not potty trained like my other dog. How often should I take him out so he doesn't pee in the house?

回答 (5)

2016-10-28 5:29 am
Take the puppy out every HOUR, during active periods of time, during the day -unless you see sniffing or circling (indicating puppy is about to GO right then). Scoop puppy up & get outside. It will need one or two trips out to potty, overnight. By 12 weeks of age, the puppy OUGHT to be able to hold its bladder for 3 hours.

You should NOT "walk" your puppy off your yard or property until it has completed ALL of its boosters & gotten its rabies shot (at 16 weeks). The Parvo & Distemper viruses are in the environment in MANY locations AND can can be FATAL in puppies without all vaccinations. I highly DOUBT any new puppy is even leash broken (yet).
2016-10-28 8:44 am
Puppies should be taken out into a confined private area (ie not on public ground) roughly every hour during the waking day, and once, perhaps more, overnight too. The aim should be to limit the number of mistakes he has indoors but there WILL be accidents. Keep a thick towel to hand to soak up pee before it gets into the carpet (if any). After each nap, take him out immediately as it will probably be the first thing he thinks about. After eating depending on when he last emptied and short periods of playing.

Do NOT use pee pads - this will encourage him to empty indoors and mean you eventually do have to properly housetrain and 'untrain' him from doing his biz. indoors. Pee pads are a lazy option.

Use a crate ONLY to keep him safe and out of mischief when you can't supervise him. I have never had to resort to using one to housetrain and this wasn't what they were originally intended to be used for. No dog should be expected to hold for longer than 4 hours (adults) btw. Any longer and you'll be building up the risk of kidney problems. Puppies shouldn't be shut in a crate for much over 2 hours, overnight apart, extending to the recommended 4 hours although once adult, the crate shouldn't be needed other than for car travel/hotel rooms, or for a recovery/resting patient.

No organised walking (have pavements etc.) for the first 6 months to give the puppy a chance to 'muscle-up'. After 6 months you start to do more road-work so by the time the puppy is a year, and still sound, you can do as much as you like with him.
2016-10-28 11:25 am
EH Amos gave a good answer, but your puppy must be socialised off your property. Before his vaccines are up to date, you can carry him around and show him the world.
Dont let other dogs sniff him, dont put him on the ground, and let people greet him but not pet him if they have touched another dog.

Poorly socialised dogs are an aboslute liability for the rest of their lives, while well socialised ones can be taken anywhere. Socialisation can only happen before the pup is 16 weeks old, its a developmental stage they go through.

To house train; mark off a spot for him with something like tent pegs and string, and add a wooden pee post. Bait it with some of his poop and pee stained paper.
Take him there on the lead once an hour and wait patiently.
Eventually he will need to go and your job is to make it happen on that spot. When he does, give a suitable command, praise and reward.
They soon get the idea.

If you go to Amazon or Ebay you can buy Gwen Baileys book Perfect Puppy, its a good guide to how to rear and train a puppy.
I also recommend a book on First Aid for Dogs, and pet health insurance.
Pick a company that will pay the vet directly, and if you can afford it go for a Life policy that will continue to pay out no matter what.
2016-10-28 7:50 am
Unless he's six months old AND has all of his shots AND has been tested for Parvo this puppy shouldn't be going anywhere.

You should take him outside every few hours when you are home. When you aren't home he should be in a cage/crate so he can learn to hold it for up to 6-8 hours.
2016-10-28 5:11 am him a pee pad and take him 4 walks every 50 mins but after he eats wait like 30

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