My grandmother is in her last days and afraid to die?

2016-10-27 8:51 pm
She was diagnosed with end stage colon cancer. Her last wish was to not die in the hospital so we have a hospice bed, oxygen tank, and a hospice nurse to check in on her every other day.

Right now she's very out of it from the morphine and anxiety medication and it feels very eerie in her room. She think's her dead husband is talking to her and then when she has a moment of clarity she tells my mom she's afraid of dying and questioning her religion because se's afraid of what comes next after death and where you go when you die. She's having major panic attacks so the doctor has given her some pretty heavy medication.

How can we comfort her more? She's already talked to a priest and it didn't seem to help. It's so awful seeing her like this I can't stand it.

回答 (17)

2016-10-27 9:08 pm
This stuff s actually pretty common. Seein dead relatives and such is incredibly common. You shouldn't tell her that they aren't there,, firstly because you don't know that to be a fact. For all we know they really are present in some form that the rest of us can't percieve. But more importantly, it is real to her. It's fine to express that you and othehrs can't see them, but you shouldn't deny her reality.
It's notmal to be afraid to die. It's a scarry thing and nobody really knows what happens or if there is an afterlife.
Support her by being present when she wants company and letting her have her space when she wants to be alone.
Clergy can often be comforting to those who are nearing the end. If there is anyone like that she knows, they shuld be involved in her dying process.

The most kind a compassonate thing that you can do is to care for her as you would like to be cared for in her final time. It's a tremendous emotional burden for you right now, but it is the sort of thing that you will be able to look back upon and know that you showed another person love and held their hand through a trying experience for them.
2016-10-28 1:25 am
There is no comforting her. She is acutely aware of her mortality and is concerned about dying. This is perfectly normal, especially for people who believe there may be a hereafter.

My best advice would be to distract her by talking about her life, especially the good parts. if she focuses on the good, then maybe that will also ease her fears about what she thinks will happen after death.
2016-10-28 7:25 am
I know she must be in awful pain I too am dying of lymphoma stage 4 under hospice but I refused to take the powerful morphine as of yet it distort one brains just be nice a sweet to her. praying for her comfort to the end
2016-10-28 2:43 am
I'm very sorry, dear, I was there when my husband died of cancer. It's an awful experience.
2016-10-28 12:23 am
This poor woman needs someone to hold her hand, to rub her neck and to stay with her. Dying of colon cancer is a wretched way to die (she might start vomiting feces). If she's religious, pray with her and give her a religious object to hold (and play hymns and other religious music). I'd suggest showing her Youtube videos about after death experiences and the people who meet their dead relatives.
2016-10-27 11:20 pm
Not much you can do. Just be there and keep her company.
2016-10-27 9:04 pm
I would tell her how much she is loved and appreciated by her friends and family.
If she is reassured that she has lived a good life, it may be easier for her.
2016-10-27 8:56 pm
Just stay by her side and make sure that she is very comfortable
2016-10-27 8:58 pm
Maybe find ways to make her laugh and not take it all too seriously. We got my grandpa a private dancer. Sure it's inappropriate but it made him smile. I'm not so sure your grandma would appreciate that but maybe talk with your parents about what makes her smile and laugh.
2016-10-31 12:01 am
Just have hope. My dad was in the same position as your grandmother a few years back and he has been cancer free since.
2016-10-30 5:18 pm
Get a Buddhist monk to sit with her.
2016-10-28 4:53 pm
So sorry to know, please pray with her for a peaceful mind !
2016-10-28 12:51 pm
This is very common to see dead relatives prior to death. Of course she is scared...This is all normal. She will be at peace soon.
2016-10-28 11:42 am
i have cancer, came to work out my fear of death, if you don,t your going to die screaming, i have seen it, its horrible, There is nothing you can do Sorry,heavy drugs is the only way to solve it.I went through my moms death. sat with her two days, the drugs finally took her just kept increasing the Morphine, i felt so bad they kept asking me if i want to increase the dosage, made me feel like i actually killed Her.
2016-10-28 8:46 am
How long are they giving her?
2016-10-28 1:18 am
I can only imagine how you and your family must feel right now. Seeing someone you love in so much pain and suffering is never easy. Not sure if your a bible reader or not, but there is a scripture that always comforts me during hard times in Revelation 21:3,4. God tells us that soon their will be no more suffering, pain or even death. May you also find confort.

For more encouragement, visit
2016-10-27 10:09 pm
She is close to going talking happens to those already gone is common for those that are dying. Stay with her and keep her comfortable.

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