Do male dragons have bigger butts then female dragons?

2016-10-27 4:06 pm

回答 (5)

2016-10-27 4:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Butts vary between them.
But one difference is that male dragons blow flames...
and female dragons just blow smoke..

(I'm going to be in trouble now)
2016-10-27 4:11 pm
There is the Big Butt Dragon of Trump Tower...... but I think that's a male. Not sure.
2016-10-27 4:10 pm
I have never seen a dragon , but I would imagine so .
2016-10-27 4:13 pm
First there has to be such a thing as a dragon.
2016-10-27 4:08 pm
Dragons don't exist

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