If Hillary Clinton wins Texas will that help her drastically?

2016-10-27 4:41 am
Texas is a toss up state at the moment and polls have shown that she can very much win Texas and other swing states.

回答 (8)

2016-10-27 4:45 am
If Hilary wins Texas we'd know it was wide open cheating going on.
2016-10-27 4:42 am
No, florida would.
2016-10-27 5:04 am
Texas is a conservative state. I don't see Hillary winning there unless serious cheating happens.
2016-10-27 5:20 am
Clinton doesn't need Texas to win the state.

It is "likely Republican", but even if Trump won in all the Republic states, in all the swing (toss-up)states,and even in those states that are leaning towards Clinton .. even then,
Trump would not WIN enough electoral college seats to win the election.

Clinton is almost certain to win, with or without Texas
2016-10-27 4:42 am
Yes, it will, because it has the second highest number of electoral votes (second only to California).
2016-10-27 4:49 am
it was a toss up until they had to remove the rigged electronic voting machines and replace them with emergency paper ballots
2016-10-27 4:45 am
It will help a lot. And I will be shocked if she wins Texas because it has usually been red AF since the 60s.
2016-10-27 4:41 am
that would be freaking mind blowing. i'd faint. and my mother would probably have a stroke and die.

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