What would happen if you were caught with hardcore yaoi manga at school?

2016-10-27 1:20 am
I only bring my shounen-ai mangas (Loveless, Gravitation, etc) with me to school and read them, but I never bring my hardcore, smutty yaoi with me because I don't want to risk getting caught by a teacher at school. What would happen if you were caught with hardcore yaoi manga at school? Just wondering.

回答 (2)

2016-10-27 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
probably the same as if you were caught with a porno mag, the item taken away, your parents called, and possibly suspension or expulsion depending on your school and if you've gotten in trouble before. they would actually have to see the explicit content though, if the cover or the page you happened to be reading was not pornographic looking at all, they'd just think you were reading any other manga. but i think you're smart not to risk it. it's not like you can masturbate in school anyway so there's no point in reading yaoi until you're at home
2016-10-27 1:20 am
Possible suspension from school.

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