Why are people saying that there are more than 2 genders? Some going as far as saying there are 56?

2016-10-25 11:34 pm
Yes I support LGBT rights and yes I believe that men who feel like women and visa versa should get the hormones they need...but STILL it's a male / female thing

回答 (5)

2016-10-25 11:39 pm
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*snicker* #76genders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zq1UWM7W0Q

People say that because they believe gender is just something that is like a title. This however kinda invalidates transgenders. Transgenders transition for a reason, they feel as if they're the wrong gender. However, the people who claim there are 200 genders or some bull ****, make gender a game.
2016-10-25 11:44 pm
That would be pretty tough to prove from DNA.
2016-10-25 11:38 pm
Lol I agree. It's this thing nowadays, that sexuality and identity and intimacy are all used interchangeably as if they are all the same thing, and they are also viewed as flexible, there is no structure, everything is all relative, its gotten to the point that there is no such thing as truth, only opinions and feelings. Just believe what you believe, and let other people figure it out, because with maturity comes clarity. "Political correctness" will only influence a person but so long before they start to think for themselves.
2016-10-26 1:30 am
2016-10-26 1:38 pm
the binary is a lie and gender is one of humanities worst constructs.

I have no gender, clearly gender must be a thing or nobody would be talking about it so much, but I have no idea what they mean. That's why I'm agender. From my perspective there are 0 genders but I assume that if someone is identifying with a term then they have a group of feelings which fit with that.

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