About GAD (Generalised anxiety disorder) question?

2016-10-25 7:35 am
Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is a pervasive condition in which the sufferer experiences:

a. fear of fear

b. continual apprehension and anxiety about future events

c. continual flashback to past events

d. a desire to check that the environment is safe

Which one is answer?

回答 (3)

2016-10-25 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
2016-10-25 7:41 am
B. A is phobophobia. C is PTSD. D is paranoia.

I seriously hope you're not trying to become a psychiatrist if you have to rely on a crazy like me to tell you which is which....

Btw, i am all of those things. Can't even get a diagnosis as a schizotypal even though i tell them i think crazy shittt bc God hears me...

EDIT: i don't have PTSD
2016-10-26 1:41 am
Tell a dr. about this. He/she is the only one who can test, diagnose and treat you. There are good meds for anxiety, stress, depression.

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