Do you think if he knew my intentions, he would have consider being friends?

2016-10-25 7:23 am
one of my coworkers and I hit it pretty well, right from the beginning I instantly felt this connection and was comfortable talking to him and genuinely thought it was the same way for him cause when were in an elevator together he randomly touched my wrist, like you don't just randomly touch someone's wrist unless you're attractive to them or you want to flirt with them and from there i kinda assume we would have like this flirty/friendship relationship and it kinda was for awhile. I felt like he was genuinely into me, am I crazy for that? Anyway, he had to move back to his hometown and I thought I should put myself out there & ask if we could talk more, get to know one another & he told me he doesn't really have any interest in creating any long distance relationships/friendships because he finds them tedious and a lot of work, he said it wasn't anything personal was just how he felt w/ a sad face & I genuinely thought he felt bad so I said he'll never know unless he tries & that I think it'd be nice to just have someone to talk to, wouldn't you want that & he kinda lashed out at me.. told me to respect his boundaries & not to text him again & I kinda got mad and did anyway. eventually I apologized for disrespecting him & he ignored it  i just wanted a friend, someone to confide in, someone to make my life a little less boring and lonely. Do you think if he knew I wanted to confide in him, he'd at least consider being friends?

回答 (1)

2016-10-25 1:53 pm
He was happy with a casual relationship, but no more.
Face it and move on

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