What was the US Supreme Court’s ruling in Bush v. Gore, and what was the basis for its decision?

2016-10-25 2:28 am

回答 (7)

2016-10-25 2:37 am
Loser Gore lost his home state , Tennessee knows He is dunce .
2016-10-25 2:32 am
Democrats were trying to steal the election by changing the rules. See Bush v Gore
2016-10-25 2:29 am
Justice Scalia made Florida quit counting the votes because it might tend to deligitamize little junior's presidency
2016-10-25 2:32 am
They basically confirmed that the US was founded as, and remains, a 'republic' rather than any kind of 'direct democracy'.....so (even though Gore won the popular vote), Li'l Georgie was the rightful President because he won a majority of the Electoral College votes...
2016-10-25 2:54 am
it violated the 14th amendment for equal protection because of the different methods used in counting ballots as votes for one candidate or the other. Also because Gore was only recounting in democrat districts thus causing an unfair advantage in the recount.
2016-10-25 2:47 am
that the florida supreme court over stepped its boundries

the florida election commissioners certified the results of the election by the date required in the florida state constitution

the florida supreme court ruled that florida should do another recount and forget the date the florida constitution says the election results must be certified

IE: in essence the florida supreme court said the florida constitution was unconstitutional under the florida constitution

yes I know, that doesn't make any sense

so the case went to the US supreme court and they ruled on the order by the florida supreme court

1. so first they ruled that the florida election law as stated in the florida state constitution was legal under the US Constitution

That the US constitution gives the states the power and authority to determine how the states electoral votes are counted -- including holding an election, what date the election is on and when the results are certified

a. most people do not realize that the US constitution does NOT give you a right to vote for president, that right was given to the state legislatures in the US constitution.

2, after the USSC ruled that the florida constitution was legal and did not violate the US constitution

they then ruled that the order by the florida supreme court was invalid, that they had no authority to summerilly change the florida state constitution and extend the date the election must be certified

IE: in essence the florida supreme court made a illegal ruling, and got slapped down by the USSC

3,whats really scary, is 4 of the USSC justices ruled that the florida constitution was legal, but then turned around and said that the florida supreme court could issue an order that violated the state constitution that created it
2016-10-25 2:40 am
Hillary will try to RIG them. Especially since she knows so much about it in her emails?

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