Selling items from other online stores on eBay?

2016-10-25 1:35 am
I was wondering if it was legal to post items from other sites on eBay and sale them , when a buyer buys it, you order it from that website and put their address and copy the tracking label to eBay .

回答 (5)

2016-10-25 8:04 pm
Why would anyone pay you over retail prices this way? You're buying at retail and adding on more $ to get yourself a profit.
2016-10-25 6:21 am
That happened to somebody who ordered something from an Amazon seller. The buyer received a package shipped from Newegg.
2016-10-25 5:23 am
Legal? Perhaps. But when you customer gets a box from Amazon or where ever they aren't going to be very happy with you.
2016-10-25 4:45 am
Not worth it and your will never get a good rating on ebay. You will have to mark up the price for your time and cash flow. so your listing will be more expensive than the online stores. People would not buy from you.
2016-10-26 5:07 pm
this sounds like Amazon
what you want to do is already being done and successfully by other companies

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