What wastes more battery, listening to music via Bluetooth or wired headphones?

2016-10-24 11:38 am

回答 (7)

2016-10-24 12:23 pm
Bluetooth. The power used by bluetooth connection is much more than the power of the wired speakers.
2016-10-24 9:05 pm
Bluetooth of course.

When using wired headphones the only thing draining power is the device. When using bluetooth you have to keep that connection alive as well as play the music.
2016-10-24 4:09 pm
2016-10-24 5:05 pm
I think you mean "uses more battery" rather than "wastes" - since presumably you would have a reason for listening to the music, whatever the means of listening.
2016-10-30 9:38 pm
First of all, and yes, I understand what you mean, you do not 'waste' the battery, you use your device, which in turn drains the charge ( juice, energy, etc ) of the battery.

As time goes by, you will recharge your device and little by little the battery will die.

Don't believe the hype. No battery lasts for ever.
Sleep with it on and you waste energy, that which is in your device..!
2016-10-25 5:35 pm
I think is bluetooth
2016-10-25 8:12 am

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