What's the most desirable trait in a man?

2016-10-24 11:14 am

回答 (333)

2016-10-24 9:50 pm
Before I got the money I was sweet caring loving and all that crap girls say here and it did not work.now my financial status got a lot better ,I dated girls "some of them are HOT" and I used to curse and shout on and they stuck with me and played misses sweeties , you know why ? because they want the money the travelling the gifts the house the car ..etc I'm the same guy the same look now they love me and instead of calling me an asshole they call me hot blooded and it is hot :D .
you listened to what trump said in the recording about women? it is right :)
They let you do anything if you got the money.

A lot of girls here say honesty ,and it is true they don't want another girl sharing your dollar :)
and you know what happens if you cheated on them? they will fight on you ,they won't leave.

never ask women what they want, THEY DON'T KNOW.
2016-10-24 9:50 pm
Before I got the money I was sweet caring loving and all that crap girls say here and it did not work.now my financial status got a lot better ,I dated girls "some of them are HOT" and I used to curse and shout on and they stuck with me and played misses sweeties , you know why ? because they want the money the travelling the gifts the house the car ..etc I'm the same guy the same look now they love me and instead of calling me an asshole they call me hot blooded and it is hot :D .
you listened to what trump said in the recording about women? it is right :)
They let you do anything if you got the money.

A lot of girls here say honesty ,and it is true they don't want another girl sharing your dollar :)
and you know what happens if you cheated on them? they will fight on you ,they won't leave.

never ask women what they want, THEY DON'T KNOW.
2016-10-25 2:35 pm
The self-confidence for knowing one's self. This is quite different from arrogance. All other good traits flow from having the confidence to lead one's life pro-actively and the confidence to be emotionally honest, the good with the bad. I don't want to be a romantic partner's life-coach. That kills the passion and ultimately leads to contempt. (That's not the same as being a support in life. A confident person can direct the support to where it does them most good even in the suites of depression.)
2016-10-25 2:35 pm
The self-confidence for knowing one's self. This is quite different from arrogance. All other good traits flow from having the confidence to lead one's life pro-actively and the confidence to be emotionally honest, the good with the bad. I don't want to be a romantic partner's life-coach. That kills the passion and ultimately leads to contempt. (That's not the same as being a support in life. A confident person can direct the support to where it does them most good even in the suites of depression.)
2016-10-25 3:01 pm
A huge manhood, a huge bank account and kind hearted personality and willingness to share his wealth with the woman he's faithful to. That's a woman's ideal man and any one of those is potentially his most desirable trait.
2016-10-25 3:01 pm
A huge manhood, a huge bank account and kind hearted personality and willingness to share his wealth with the woman he's faithful to. That's a woman's ideal man and any one of those is potentially his most desirable trait.
2016-10-24 7:30 pm
2016-10-24 7:30 pm
2016-10-25 9:46 pm
Being wise, honest, understanding, and fluid I guess. A man should know that at the end of it all he only has himself, he should put out what he wants in return from others and should be able to do his best with making others feel safe, steady, and secure. He should be able to have a plan in life and throughout the days with goals to evolve and be on earth to be himself only and be able to heal those who have nowhere else to go. A man is compassionate and understands that life is simple and he is a survivor. A man will go from being a spartan to being a king in his own ways. A man learns from his mistakes. A man can take charge of his life and everyone that's in it. A man can survive on his own with or without a home. A man can make others feel good, a man can promote inner peace and let that spill externally which can give him and the rest of the world a sense of belonging and a calmed mindset. Men don't steal, lie, manipulate, complain too much, blame others. He knows who he is.
2016-10-25 9:46 pm
Being wise, honest, understanding, and fluid I guess. A man should know that at the end of it all he only has himself, he should put out what he wants in return from others and should be able to do his best with making others feel safe, steady, and secure. He should be able to have a plan in life and throughout the days with goals to evolve and be on earth to be himself only and be able to heal those who have nowhere else to go. A man is compassionate and understands that life is simple and he is a survivor. A man will go from being a spartan to being a king in his own ways. A man learns from his mistakes. A man can take charge of his life and everyone that's in it. A man can survive on his own with or without a home. A man can make others feel good, a man can promote inner peace and let that spill externally which can give him and the rest of the world a sense of belonging and a calmed mindset. Men don't steal, lie, manipulate, complain too much, blame others. He knows who he is.
2016-10-24 12:23 pm
Kindness, Compassion, Empathy...
2016-10-24 12:23 pm
Kindness, Compassion, Empathy...
2016-10-25 3:13 am
1. Kind And Caring - Women want a man who is kind and caring. They want someone who will be best friends, a partner and an equal. Above all, someone who makes them feel good.

2. Intelligence is sexy and smart men simply captivate women. Whether it's informing them about the newest restaurant opening or teaching something they didn't know about baseball, they like someone from whom they can learn. Women enjoy feeling enlightened.

3. Sense Of Humor - Being funny makes men more attractive to women. There's no science to it; it's just a fact. One hundred percent of women appreciate a man who is witty. If you can make a woman laugh, she’ll almost always think you’re awesome. (100% ?) wtf?

4. Confidence - Women like men who are confident. When you’re sure of yourself and your actions reflect it, women will be naturally drawn to you. Women are attracted to men who know they’re great, but not cocky.

5. Charisma - Charisma is defined as having swagger, being spunky and possessing a certain je ne sais crois, or just not being “vanilla.” Whichever definition you prefer, all women love a charming man. When you have a big personality, women find you irresistible.

6. Balance - Leading a balanced lifestyle is important. Women enjoy dating a man who can do it all. They want to date someone who can prioritize job, family, friends and a relationship. Theyre drawn to men who make time for them and who show them theyre an essential part of their lives.

7. Good Listener - A man who is a good listener is a true catch. Because women are more emotional than men, they love to share and can talk for hours.

8. Thoughtfulness - Thoughtful men are enticing for women. Being thoughtful doesn’t mean whisking away to Miami on a third date, either. Rather, being thoughtful means showing you care. A man who’s considerate is very sexy.

9. Go With The Flow - They want to date someone they can bring anywhere. If theyre at a business dinner, they want to date a man who can go with the flow and be fancy. When clients invite them to a box at a sports game, they want to date someone who can keep up with the lingo. Quite simply, they enjoy dating men who can be comfortable in any situation.

10. Presentable - Being put together and looking presentable is essential. Women want to date men who are well dressed. A nice outfit can make men so much more attractive! If you're well dressed and put together, you're showing the world that you value yourself and your appearance. Ultimately, women want to fall in love. They want someone who makes them feel special and important like a beautiful princess unicorn untouched snowflake.
2016-10-25 3:13 am
1. Kind And Caring - Women want a man who is kind and caring. They want someone who will be best friends, a partner and an equal. Above all, someone who makes them feel good.

2. Intelligence is sexy and smart men simply captivate women. Whether it's informing them about the newest restaurant opening or teaching something they didn't know about baseball, they like someone from whom they can learn. Women enjoy feeling enlightened.

3. Sense Of Humor - Being funny makes men more attractive to women. There's no science to it; it's just a fact. One hundred percent of women appreciate a man who is witty. If you can make a woman laugh, she’ll almost always think you’re awesome. (100% ?) wtf?

4. Confidence - Women like men who are confident. When you’re sure of yourself and your actions reflect it, women will be naturally drawn to you. Women are attracted to men who know they’re great, but not cocky.

5. Charisma - Charisma is defined as having swagger, being spunky and possessing a certain je ne sais crois, or just not being “vanilla.” Whichever definition you prefer, all women love a charming man. When you have a big personality, women find you irresistible.

6. Balance - Leading a balanced lifestyle is important. Women enjoy dating a man who can do it all. They want to date someone who can prioritize job, family, friends and a relationship. Theyre drawn to men who make time for them and who show them theyre an essential part of their lives.

7. Good Listener - A man who is a good listener is a true catch. Because women are more emotional than men, they love to share and can talk for hours.

8. Thoughtfulness - Thoughtful men are enticing for women. Being thoughtful doesn’t mean whisking away to Miami on a third date, either. Rather, being thoughtful means showing you care. A man who’s considerate is very sexy.

9. Go With The Flow - They want to date someone they can bring anywhere. If theyre at a business dinner, they want to date a man who can go with the flow and be fancy. When clients invite them to a box at a sports game, they want to date someone who can keep up with the lingo. Quite simply, they enjoy dating men who can be comfortable in any situation.

10. Presentable - Being put together and looking presentable is essential. Women want to date men who are well dressed. A nice outfit can make men so much more attractive! If you're well dressed and put together, you're showing the world that you value yourself and your appearance. Ultimately, women want to fall in love. They want someone who makes them feel special and important like a beautiful princess unicorn untouched snowflake.
2016-10-24 7:25 pm
Honesty; a man that would never cheat/ wouldn't even think about it. Yes compassion would also be a big one because if you could care a less about the general overall health& well being of the person/ woman you are involved with that says alot. It maybe HONEST that you don't care but if you don't why bother at all?
2016-10-24 7:25 pm
Honesty; a man that would never cheat/ wouldn't even think about it. Yes compassion would also be a big one because if you could care a less about the general overall health& well being of the person/ woman you are involved with that says alot. It maybe HONEST that you don't care but if you don't why bother at all?
2016-10-24 6:56 pm
A good personality
Especially honesty. An honest man won't cheat.
2016-10-24 6:56 pm
A good personality
Especially honesty. An honest man won't cheat.
2016-10-25 9:19 pm
Women want a man who is hot and tall. They only pretend to care about personality, to justify their shallowness.

Example, they see a hot tall guy who is loud and talkative. They say "Omg he is so confident, outgoing and assertive. I love it!"

Then they see an ugly fat short guy who is loud and talkative IN LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME WAY. They say "Uh, ew, he is so loud and weird and doesn't know when to shut up. Who does he think he is? He is arrogant, and probably over compensating."

Then the girls see a hot tall guy who has anger issues- they go "oh he is so passionate and hot blooded, he knows what he wants, he cares about me!"

Then they see a short fat ugly guy who has anger issues- they go "Whoa, he is creepy, controlling and scary. I will avoid that man."

The guys can literally have the exact same personality- but women will always:

1) Pursue the hot tall one

2) Justify/rationalize their pursuit of the man with the hotter/better looks and genetics, by using "positive social words" for the traits of the tall hot man, and "negative social words" for the traits of the ugly short and/or fat man


tall hot man = confident
short ugly man = cocky, arrogant, etc

tall hot man = intelligent, wise, brilliant, leader
short ugly man = cocky, schemer, sneaky, wormy, napoleon syndrome

I could literally go on all day. This is literally how women do it. They are excellent at it.

Best answer
2016-10-25 9:19 pm
Women want a man who is hot and tall. They only pretend to care about personality, to justify their shallowness.

Example, they see a hot tall guy who is loud and talkative. They say "Omg he is so confident, outgoing and assertive. I love it!"

Then they see an ugly fat short guy who is loud and talkative IN LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME WAY. They say "Uh, ew, he is so loud and weird and doesn't know when to shut up. Who does he think he is? He is arrogant, and probably over compensating."

Then the girls see a hot tall guy who has anger issues- they go "oh he is so passionate and hot blooded, he knows what he wants, he cares about me!"

Then they see a short fat ugly guy who has anger issues- they go "Whoa, he is creepy, controlling and scary. I will avoid that man."

The guys can literally have the exact same personality- but women will always:

1) Pursue the hot tall one

2) Justify/rationalize their pursuit of the man with the hotter/better looks and genetics, by using "positive social words" for the traits of the tall hot man, and "negative social words" for the traits of the ugly short and/or fat man


tall hot man = confident
short ugly man = cocky, arrogant, etc

tall hot man = intelligent, wise, brilliant, leader
short ugly man = cocky, schemer, sneaky, wormy, napoleon syndrome

I could literally go on all day. This is literally how women do it. They are excellent at it.

Best answer
2016-10-24 11:32 am
Good values and morals
2016-10-24 11:32 am
Good values and morals
2016-10-24 11:21 am
A fat wallet
2016-10-24 11:21 am
A fat wallet
2016-10-25 9:41 pm
Well men have bunch of traits that make him desirable, and it all depends on your decision, he could be charming and they can hold a relationship for a pretty long time, the rich one could just satisfy you with money and could not make you happy, the jock or sporty could be all good looking and really sexy but could "play" you in a way where he prefers another girl over you and that is the worst type of trait out there, the intelligent one could be one of the most loyal people ever and will always be honest with you, yes he could be really shy but give him time, and then you have the "normal" one where they are just neutral and don't stand out and could be the interesting one. It all depends on your style and the type of man you are looking for. Hope this helped.
2016-10-25 9:41 pm
Well men have bunch of traits that make him desirable, and it all depends on your decision, he could be charming and they can hold a relationship for a pretty long time, the rich one could just satisfy you with money and could not make you happy, the jock or sporty could be all good looking and really sexy but could "play" you in a way where he prefers another girl over you and that is the worst type of trait out there, the intelligent one could be one of the most loyal people ever and will always be honest with you, yes he could be really shy but give him time, and then you have the "normal" one where they are just neutral and don't stand out and could be the interesting one. It all depends on your style and the type of man you are looking for. Hope this helped.
2016-10-25 6:48 am
2016-10-25 6:48 am
2016-10-24 4:16 pm
None of the other answers here have recognised the most desirable trait. Although the following are all virtuous, it's not compassion, not kindness, not empathy, not loyalty, not sensuality.

It's social dominance.

Quite simply, the one who leads the pack is the most desirable of the pack. Unfortunately, good morals come second after desirability.
2016-10-24 4:16 pm
None of the other answers here have recognised the most desirable trait. Although the following are all virtuous, it's not compassion, not kindness, not empathy, not loyalty, not sensuality.

It's social dominance.

Quite simply, the one who leads the pack is the most desirable of the pack. Unfortunately, good morals come second after desirability.
2016-10-25 10:34 am
Confidence. It's the most desirable trait in anyone if you ask me.
2016-10-25 10:34 am
Confidence. It's the most desirable trait in anyone if you ask me.
2016-10-24 11:24 am
2016-10-24 11:24 am
2016-10-24 9:15 pm
They all say the same thing kind honest caring loving, yet most women date all the assss holes, makes no sense to me,, I don't know eh! Women are from Mars, and they are like the black hole in space can never be fulfilled lol. Can I get an amennnn. They still moan like hell anyways lol
2016-10-24 9:15 pm
They all say the same thing kind honest caring loving, yet most women date all the assss holes, makes no sense to me,, I don't know eh! Women are from Mars, and they are like the black hole in space can never be fulfilled lol. Can I get an amennnn. They still moan like hell anyways lol
2016-10-25 4:47 pm
One of the most desirable traits I find in a guy is maturity.
2016-10-25 4:47 pm
One of the most desirable traits I find in a guy is maturity.
2016-10-24 8:10 pm
A good heart (empathy, compassion, kindness)
2016-10-24 8:10 pm
A good heart (empathy, compassion, kindness)
2016-10-24 3:40 pm
Integrity, reliability, kindness and a nice bum.
2016-10-24 3:40 pm
Integrity, reliability, kindness and a nice bum.
2016-10-24 2:23 pm
Loyalty, kindness, empathy, playful, loving, sensuality, etc
2016-10-24 2:23 pm
Loyalty, kindness, empathy, playful, loving, sensuality, etc
2016-10-25 2:51 am
All that stuff women say they want don't matter if you don't look the way they have been brainwashed to want you to look like. I'm 5'4 and have been always respectful to women. Yet my height makes me seem less of a man to them. Even if height doesn't determine penis size either. All shallow bitches. Lol even short girls disrespect short guys. Pathetic.
2016-10-25 2:51 am
All that stuff women say they want don't matter if you don't look the way they have been brainwashed to want you to look like. I'm 5'4 and have been always respectful to women. Yet my height makes me seem less of a man to them. Even if height doesn't determine penis size either. All shallow bitches. Lol even short girls disrespect short guys. Pathetic.
2016-10-26 5:50 pm
Loyalty is everything
Romantic/loving and caring, he should be a gentleman
Sense of humour
Confidence, and courage of conviction so he should be brave and he should you know be a man.
Protective, loving, respectful and caring.
Generous and down to earth.
He should pay attention to me and little details and remember things I said like three years ago because I remember everything. And it just shows me he thinks about me a lot which he should if he loves me.
I like it when they're possessive of you in the sense that you get the security that he won't betray you or leave you.
And of course he should be cute and over 5'10 (only cos I want him to be a bit taller than me so I can wear heels).
2016-10-26 5:50 pm
Loyalty is everything
Romantic/loving and caring, he should be a gentleman
Sense of humour
Confidence, and courage of conviction so he should be brave and he should you know be a man.
Protective, loving, respectful and caring.
Generous and down to earth.
He should pay attention to me and little details and remember things I said like three years ago because I remember everything. And it just shows me he thinks about me a lot which he should if he loves me.
I like it when they're possessive of you in the sense that you get the security that he won't betray you or leave you.
And of course he should be cute and over 5'10 (only cos I want him to be a bit taller than me so I can wear heels).
2016-10-26 11:59 am
animal lover
2016-10-26 11:59 am
animal lover
2016-10-25 10:28 pm
2016-10-25 10:28 pm
2016-10-25 3:02 pm
respectful,loving ,caring,handsome,good listener,best friend,polite and who treats me with respect and believe i can do what i want to,who creates equality and relationship i dont want a dominant man.i hate dominate guys they use girls like toys and show no love.someone who is trustworthy.
2016-10-25 3:02 pm
respectful,loving ,caring,handsome,good listener,best friend,polite and who treats me with respect and believe i can do what i want to,who creates equality and relationship i dont want a dominant man.i hate dominate guys they use girls like toys and show no love.someone who is trustworthy.
2016-10-28 3:32 am




Big dick





2016-10-28 3:32 am




Big dick





2016-10-27 9:42 am
Some of the things I find most attractive in a man are intelligence, loyalty, being humble and definitely not arrogant, no sense of entitlement, a man who is able to look after himself (cook clean etc), open mindedness, non sexist guys, respectful of their partner and their boundries, somebody who doesn't care too much what others think, being gentle and sensitive, being able to show their emotions and not afraid to cry, being a nice person in general, believing in equal rights, the list could go on. I also personally like shy and slightly introverted and quiet guys because I am a shy introvert and I couldn't date somebody who wanted to go out partying a lot or something.
2016-10-27 9:42 am
Some of the things I find most attractive in a man are intelligence, loyalty, being humble and definitely not arrogant, no sense of entitlement, a man who is able to look after himself (cook clean etc), open mindedness, non sexist guys, respectful of their partner and their boundries, somebody who doesn't care too much what others think, being gentle and sensitive, being able to show their emotions and not afraid to cry, being a nice person in general, believing in equal rights, the list could go on. I also personally like shy and slightly introverted and quiet guys because I am a shy introvert and I couldn't date somebody who wanted to go out partying a lot or something.
2016-10-26 9:54 pm
Being truthful with the other person. Is the most desirable thing/trait in a man.
2016-10-26 9:54 pm
Being truthful with the other person. Is the most desirable thing/trait in a man.
2016-10-25 1:39 am
That he's dead. Just kidding!
2016-10-25 1:39 am
That he's dead. Just kidding!
2016-10-25 12:00 am
Not cocky, because apparently that's hard to find.
2016-10-25 12:00 am
Not cocky, because apparently that's hard to find.
2016-10-24 11:33 pm
A real man is like a nice erect penis. An upstanding member of the community, well groomed, on the balls, not afraid to laugh at himself, knows what he wants, a sense of direction, practical, reliable, passionate, sexy and confident without being too cocky. You see? Women want Men to be like a penis, they just don't want to see photos of a penis or for a guy to think with his penis. Penises are for fvcking, not thinking.
2016-10-24 11:33 pm
A real man is like a nice erect penis. An upstanding member of the community, well groomed, on the balls, not afraid to laugh at himself, knows what he wants, a sense of direction, practical, reliable, passionate, sexy and confident without being too cocky. You see? Women want Men to be like a penis, they just don't want to see photos of a penis or for a guy to think with his penis. Penises are for fvcking, not thinking.
2016-10-24 10:56 pm
Softness being compassionate and soft as a baby but with strong character..
2016-10-24 10:56 pm
Softness being compassionate and soft as a baby but with strong character..
2016-10-24 10:22 pm
He must be understanding.
2016-10-24 10:22 pm
He must be understanding.
2016-10-24 9:20 pm
2016-10-24 9:20 pm
2016-10-24 5:20 pm
2016-10-24 5:20 pm
2016-10-24 5:10 pm
Kindness and how much they care about you
2016-10-24 5:10 pm
Kindness and how much they care about you
2016-10-24 4:50 pm
2016-10-24 4:50 pm
2016-10-24 11:29 am
i will say what stephen already said - compassion
2016-10-24 11:29 am
i will say what stephen already said - compassion
2016-10-24 11:28 pm
Women still judge a man by how he can be her meal ticket while she is his bedroom slut.

Married is overrated. Stay single and save your money and your sanity!
2016-10-24 11:28 pm
Women still judge a man by how he can be her meal ticket while she is his bedroom slut.

Married is overrated. Stay single and save your money and your sanity!
2016-10-24 7:33 pm

The more $ the better
2016-10-24 7:33 pm

The more $ the better
2016-10-24 6:03 pm
2016-10-24 6:03 pm
2016-10-28 8:23 pm
Big, long, large girth, hard wallet stuffed with never ending cash.
2016-10-28 8:23 pm
Big, long, large girth, hard wallet stuffed with never ending cash.
2016-10-28 5:42 am
The most desirable trait in a person is to be sincere in ones thoughts and actions. Sincerity of thoughts should start from his/her own self. Knowing one own self fully – the weak areas and the strengths. Then working on the weak areas so as to bridge the gap between the two. Knowing self also means knowing how to deal with others because a person knowing his own self will not do anything which may harm or make others unhappy thus spreading fragrance far beyond his/her own self. Having known ‘self’ also means knowing our own inner strengths and thereby knowing about how to firmly believe on compassion, kindness, generosity, joy of giving, joy of forgiving and forgetting. In other words doing all Karmic deeds which has connectivity with heart and positive disposition. And one who is imbued in this sort of ideal remains always connected with our Lord. Thus sincerity of thoughts and actions thereof is one of the prime requisites of a human.
2016-10-28 5:42 am
The most desirable trait in a person is to be sincere in ones thoughts and actions. Sincerity of thoughts should start from his/her own self. Knowing one own self fully – the weak areas and the strengths. Then working on the weak areas so as to bridge the gap between the two. Knowing self also means knowing how to deal with others because a person knowing his own self will not do anything which may harm or make others unhappy thus spreading fragrance far beyond his/her own self. Having known ‘self’ also means knowing our own inner strengths and thereby knowing about how to firmly believe on compassion, kindness, generosity, joy of giving, joy of forgiving and forgetting. In other words doing all Karmic deeds which has connectivity with heart and positive disposition. And one who is imbued in this sort of ideal remains always connected with our Lord. Thus sincerity of thoughts and actions thereof is one of the prime requisites of a human.
2016-10-27 5:19 pm
2016-10-27 5:19 pm
2016-10-27 2:27 am
A big, fat, honking, meaty, juicy d*ck.
2016-10-27 2:27 am
A big, fat, honking, meaty, juicy d*ck.
2016-10-26 11:23 pm
2016-10-26 11:23 pm
2016-10-26 10:37 pm
Being genuinely kind. Nothing warms my heart more than a guy who treats the people around him genuinely kind and he has sympathy and is willing to help people out. I always go for the good guy. Being funny is also a bonus.
2016-10-26 10:37 pm
Being genuinely kind. Nothing warms my heart more than a guy who treats the people around him genuinely kind and he has sympathy and is willing to help people out. I always go for the good guy. Being funny is also a bonus.
2016-10-26 9:46 pm
Armpit hair
2016-10-26 9:46 pm
Armpit hair
2016-10-26 4:00 pm
Ask an Eagle Scout !!!
2016-10-26 4:00 pm
Ask an Eagle Scout !!!
2016-10-26 10:27 am
A full bank account!
2016-10-26 10:27 am
A full bank account!
2016-10-26 8:31 am
His caring nature.
2016-10-26 8:31 am
His caring nature.
2016-10-26 5:16 am
Nothing... Men suck. Even if they have all the perfect traits that doesnt mean that they actually care
2016-10-26 5:16 am
Nothing... Men suck. Even if they have all the perfect traits that doesnt mean that they actually care
2016-10-26 1:24 am
I think the guys charm and sense of humour. If they are OK but they are hilarious, then I will probably like them. If they have nice charm in which they smile at you and look away or constantly look at you with smiling eyes, then definitely yes. They obviously have to be nice and honest as well but I mean charm is the biggest for me. I used to only want a guy with green eyes but now I find multiple eye colors attractive. I also used to only like white boys or Mexicans and now I'm starting to like multiple cultures. I guess as you get older then your preference iill start to fade and you will just find many things attractive about the one you love or desire!!! Hope this helped:)
2016-10-26 1:24 am
I think the guys charm and sense of humour. If they are OK but they are hilarious, then I will probably like them. If they have nice charm in which they smile at you and look away or constantly look at you with smiling eyes, then definitely yes. They obviously have to be nice and honest as well but I mean charm is the biggest for me. I used to only want a guy with green eyes but now I find multiple eye colors attractive. I also used to only like white boys or Mexicans and now I'm starting to like multiple cultures. I guess as you get older then your preference iill start to fade and you will just find many things attractive about the one you love or desire!!! Hope this helped:)
2016-10-25 10:32 pm
Football supporter
2016-10-25 10:32 pm
Football supporter
2016-10-25 8:21 pm
The dick
2016-10-25 8:21 pm
The dick
2016-10-25 8:18 pm
2016-10-25 8:18 pm
2016-10-25 8:12 pm
Showing respect to a woman
2016-10-25 8:12 pm
Showing respect to a woman
2016-10-25 8:10 pm
2016-10-25 8:10 pm
2016-10-25 6:57 pm
2016-10-25 6:57 pm
2016-10-25 5:47 pm
Genuine kindness
2016-10-25 5:47 pm
Genuine kindness
2016-10-25 4:50 pm
humility. that he does not worship himself or is arrogant. those are turn offs. not into porn ...not a manwhore. a normal human (only 1% left on earth now) the rest non breedable.
2016-10-25 4:50 pm
humility. that he does not worship himself or is arrogant. those are turn offs. not into porn ...not a manwhore. a normal human (only 1% left on earth now) the rest non breedable.
2016-10-25 4:24 pm
11.) Deez Nuts... I just nutted on this comment sexion matey 8=====D~~~~~~~~~~
2016-10-25 4:24 pm
11.) Deez Nuts... I just nutted on this comment sexion matey 8=====D~~~~~~~~~~
2016-10-25 4:20 pm
Balance, I want him to be a little bit of everything and not too much of anything. Part geek, cocky, healthy paycheck, sarcastic(preferred over general funniness), laid-back, go-getter, etc. To sum it all up, a man that doesn't leave room for wanting.
2016-10-25 4:20 pm
Balance, I want him to be a little bit of everything and not too much of anything. Part geek, cocky, healthy paycheck, sarcastic(preferred over general funniness), laid-back, go-getter, etc. To sum it all up, a man that doesn't leave room for wanting.
2016-10-25 12:03 pm
Social skills.
2016-10-25 12:03 pm
Social skills.
2016-10-27 4:55 am
Big giant muscles
2016-10-27 4:55 am
Big giant muscles
2016-10-26 3:44 am
Strength, most girls I notice are attracted to big bulky white, black, latin, middle eastern men. Rarely oriental men...very rarely.
2016-10-26 3:44 am
Strength, most girls I notice are attracted to big bulky white, black, latin, middle eastern men. Rarely oriental men...very rarely.
2016-10-25 4:32 pm
2016-10-25 4:32 pm
2016-10-25 2:48 pm
His c$ck size
2016-10-25 2:48 pm
His c$ck size
2016-10-25 6:00 am
his left big toe
2016-10-25 6:00 am
his left big toe
2016-10-25 4:24 am
Lying *** women here lol
2016-10-25 4:24 am
Lying *** women here lol
2016-10-25 4:09 am
Women want a men who is not "insecure". Let them to cheat on them. I think the women and the secure men doesn't deserve anything, but there are too many of them, though
2016-10-25 4:09 am
Women want a men who is not "insecure". Let them to cheat on them. I think the women and the secure men doesn't deserve anything, but there are too many of them, though
2016-10-25 3:35 am
A good heart because if he has a good heart he will be honest, kind, and pretty much whatever else you could think up.
2016-10-25 3:35 am
A good heart because if he has a good heart he will be honest, kind, and pretty much whatever else you could think up.
2016-10-25 2:58 am
The amount of deep love of Christ he has.
2016-10-25 2:58 am
The amount of deep love of Christ he has.
2016-10-25 1:49 am
For me, when it comes to personality traits I want someone who is honest and consider feelings of others. As for looks, I like good hygiene and nice hair.
2016-10-25 1:49 am
For me, when it comes to personality traits I want someone who is honest and consider feelings of others. As for looks, I like good hygiene and nice hair.
2016-10-24 11:23 pm
How he treats those who cannot benefit him.
2016-10-24 11:23 pm
How he treats those who cannot benefit him.
2016-10-24 9:48 pm
Kindness. The genuine kind.
2016-10-24 9:48 pm
Kindness. The genuine kind.
2016-10-24 9:43 pm
A good sense of humour
2016-10-24 9:43 pm
A good sense of humour
2016-10-24 8:17 pm
Confidence is key
2016-10-24 8:17 pm
Confidence is key
2016-10-24 8:15 pm
2016-10-24 8:15 pm
2016-10-26 12:42 am
Troubled to some point
I think most of us find this iresisstable
But what I love about a guy is that he deeply cares about that girl and he's afraid of loosing her
2016-10-26 12:42 am
Troubled to some point
I think most of us find this iresisstable
But what I love about a guy is that he deeply cares about that girl and he's afraid of loosing her
2016-10-25 1:09 am
2016-10-25 1:09 am
2016-10-24 8:05 pm
Mix of personality, intelligence and the humor
2016-10-24 8:05 pm
Mix of personality, intelligence and the humor
2016-10-24 1:21 pm
2016-10-24 1:21 pm
2016-10-24 12:12 pm
2016-10-24 12:12 pm
2016-10-24 11:26 am
In my view having a good girlfriend

Pls click on my profile and answer my latest question Jessica
2016-10-24 11:26 am
In my view having a good girlfriend

Pls click on my profile and answer my latest question Jessica
2016-10-24 11:22 am
2016-10-24 11:22 am
2016-10-24 9:11 pm
2016-10-24 9:11 pm
2016-10-24 6:22 pm
Social dominance sounds about right. Here is the truck to it. To be the leader of the pack you gotta to be all those things mentioned by everyone. Integrity respectful polite educated smart rough strict ECT.....but women like different things in men. Once you find the woman who loves you for who you are. The hardest thing to do is CONSISTENCY throughout good and bad and time.....
2016-10-24 6:22 pm
Social dominance sounds about right. Here is the truck to it. To be the leader of the pack you gotta to be all those things mentioned by everyone. Integrity respectful polite educated smart rough strict ECT.....but women like different things in men. Once you find the woman who loves you for who you are. The hardest thing to do is CONSISTENCY throughout good and bad and time.....
2016-10-24 6:00 pm
deez nutz 😌
2016-10-24 6:00 pm
deez nutz 😌
2017-01-17 4:20 am
Desirable Trait
2017-01-17 4:20 am
Desirable Trait
2016-12-14 2:50 pm
being truthful with the other person... is the most desirable thing/trait in a man...
2016-12-14 2:50 pm
being truthful with the other person... is the most desirable thing/trait in a man...
2016-11-03 2:21 am
confidence... it's the most desirable trait in anyone if you ask me...
2016-11-03 2:21 am
confidence... it's the most desirable trait in anyone if you ask me...
2016-11-02 6:42 am
Kindness and respect.
2016-11-02 6:42 am
Kindness and respect.
2016-10-31 6:58 pm
Personality and a good sense of humor
2016-10-31 6:58 pm
Personality and a good sense of humor
2016-10-31 6:55 am
There are many many desirable traits in a man but I would say my top one is a sense of humor . my second is being respectful (gentleman-like qualities)
2016-10-31 6:55 am
There are many many desirable traits in a man but I would say my top one is a sense of humor . my second is being respectful (gentleman-like qualities)
2016-10-30 8:28 am
For me is if I'm able to trust a guy. I think trust is very important in a relationship
2016-10-30 8:28 am
For me is if I'm able to trust a guy. I think trust is very important in a relationship
2016-10-30 6:30 am
Not raping too much.
2016-10-30 6:30 am
Not raping too much.
2016-10-30 1:06 am
I think two things are desirable traits in a man: Personality and Self-Confidence.
2016-10-30 1:06 am
I think two things are desirable traits in a man: Personality and Self-Confidence.
2016-10-30 12:59 am
COCK size
2016-10-30 12:59 am
COCK size
2016-10-29 9:59 pm
Personality has to match me
2016-10-29 9:59 pm
Personality has to match me
2016-10-29 9:16 pm

Honesty, loyalty, manners, looks, confidence, masculinity, intelligence, etc., are important, but if you don't have any friends it doesn't matter because you won't even get a chance.
2016-10-29 9:16 pm

Honesty, loyalty, manners, looks, confidence, masculinity, intelligence, etc., are important, but if you don't have any friends it doesn't matter because you won't even get a chance.
2016-10-29 9:16 pm
His dodo.
2016-10-29 9:16 pm
His dodo.
2016-10-29 9:13 pm
I'd like to say intelligence and a cute smile.
2016-10-29 9:13 pm
I'd like to say intelligence and a cute smile.
2016-10-29 7:06 pm
Caring, sharing, honest, and a sense of humor.
2016-10-29 7:06 pm
Caring, sharing, honest, and a sense of humor.
2016-10-29 6:14 pm
Being there for you When you need them most.
2016-10-29 6:14 pm
Being there for you When you need them most.
2016-10-29 6:01 pm
The desire to protect
2016-10-29 6:01 pm
The desire to protect
2016-10-29 5:40 pm
Personality is a good one
2016-10-29 5:40 pm
Personality is a good one
2016-10-29 4:28 pm
personality is key
2016-10-29 4:28 pm
personality is key
2016-10-29 4:01 pm




big dick





2016-10-29 4:01 pm




big dick





2016-10-29 3:59 pm
Looks, personality, good taste in music, tall, eyes, smile, happiness, confidence, loving.
2016-10-29 3:59 pm
Looks, personality, good taste in music, tall, eyes, smile, happiness, confidence, loving.
2016-10-29 2:34 pm
Self-confidence! 🤗
2016-10-29 2:34 pm
Self-confidence! 🤗
2016-10-29 2:28 pm
I am a 18 year old bisexual girl and I really think an open minded guy who believes in equality in relationships and respects me will be someone I can love. I don't care if he is average looking. Same goes for girls.
2016-10-29 2:28 pm
I am a 18 year old bisexual girl and I really think an open minded guy who believes in equality in relationships and respects me will be someone I can love. I don't care if he is average looking. Same goes for girls.
2016-10-29 12:53 pm
A small wanger
2016-10-29 12:53 pm
A small wanger
2016-10-29 11:08 am
2016-10-29 11:08 am
2016-10-29 10:36 am
2016-10-29 10:36 am
2016-10-29 10:26 am
Confidence, Strong, Honesty, Loyalty, Respectful, Kind, Positive, Funny, Good Hygiene, Healthy, Sexual, Sensual, Intensity. I Do Amire Big, Mysterious Eyes, & A Large, Wide Nose. Someone I Can Talk To, Relate To.
2016-10-29 10:26 am
Confidence, Strong, Honesty, Loyalty, Respectful, Kind, Positive, Funny, Good Hygiene, Healthy, Sexual, Sensual, Intensity. I Do Amire Big, Mysterious Eyes, & A Large, Wide Nose. Someone I Can Talk To, Relate To.
2016-10-29 7:42 am
Intelligence!!! Good looks! That's all I want lol
2016-10-29 7:42 am
Intelligence!!! Good looks! That's all I want lol
2016-10-29 7:39 am
Wanting to love
2016-10-29 7:39 am
Wanting to love
2016-10-29 7:27 am
Being Respectful, Is the number one thing!
2016-10-29 7:27 am
Being Respectful, Is the number one thing!
2016-10-29 6:15 am
Personally a guy that's funny and carefree is great. I love when a guy doesn't always have to act the toughest. I d say when he can just chill and be friends around his friends. Idk. If that made sense but basically if he's happy with himself and just happy and positive and fun that's what I'm attracted to.
2016-10-29 6:15 am
Personally a guy that's funny and carefree is great. I love when a guy doesn't always have to act the toughest. I d say when he can just chill and be friends around his friends. Idk. If that made sense but basically if he's happy with himself and just happy and positive and fun that's what I'm attracted to.
2016-10-29 5:30 am
2016-10-29 5:30 am
2016-10-29 3:48 am
Ask lestermount
2016-10-29 3:48 am
Ask lestermount
2016-10-29 3:39 am
Masculinity, I hope.
2016-10-29 3:39 am
Masculinity, I hope.
2016-10-29 3:13 am
id say eye contact engages convo takes you out comfort zone as most men dont make eye contact let alone hold it then it become sexual and a nice turn on sometimes tbh lets be honest in first hour meeting someone you dont actally know if they kind funny bla bla so eye contact defo lol sorry we bit tipsy may have babbled haha
2016-10-29 3:13 am
id say eye contact engages convo takes you out comfort zone as most men dont make eye contact let alone hold it then it become sexual and a nice turn on sometimes tbh lets be honest in first hour meeting someone you dont actally know if they kind funny bla bla so eye contact defo lol sorry we bit tipsy may have babbled haha
2016-10-29 3:04 am
Honesty, its rare.
2016-10-29 3:04 am
Honesty, its rare.
2016-10-29 2:53 am
As a man myself I can only guess what goes inside a woman's mind. Each women is unique to herself and a one kind.

I think;

Money 💰, job, self esteem, intelligence, body

Rank among the most high things women look for.

參考: My guess
2016-10-29 2:53 am
As a man myself I can only guess what goes inside a woman's mind. Each women is unique to herself and a one kind.

I think;

Money 💰, job, self esteem, intelligence, body

Rank among the most high things women look for.

參考: My guess
2016-10-28 11:52 pm
The ability to ignore what women say they want, and give them what they actually need.
2016-10-28 11:52 pm
The ability to ignore what women say they want, and give them what they actually need.
2016-10-28 11:39 pm
2016-10-28 11:39 pm
2016-10-28 9:58 pm
2016-10-28 9:58 pm
2016-10-28 9:54 pm
2016-10-28 9:54 pm
2016-10-28 9:45 pm
..Good music taste? Makes you feel beautiful?
2016-10-28 9:45 pm
..Good music taste? Makes you feel beautiful?
2016-10-28 9:23 pm
2016-10-28 9:23 pm
2016-10-28 7:13 pm
ALL WOMEN want straight up cash homey.
Women love security, security = $$$$, women love $$$$.
2016-10-28 7:13 pm
ALL WOMEN want straight up cash homey.
Women love security, security = $$$$, women love $$$$.
2016-10-28 6:55 pm
His credit score.
2016-10-28 6:55 pm
His credit score.
2016-10-28 6:08 pm
Humor, humor, humor, humor, HUMOR. What I look for in a man is that gruff muscular redneck look, but can look sexy as when classy, if that makes sense and his humor and loyalty. I want a man that's obsessed with me but knows how to give me my space when I need it. I love a man with a great sense of humor. My perfect man is Norman Reedus
2016-10-28 6:08 pm
Humor, humor, humor, humor, HUMOR. What I look for in a man is that gruff muscular redneck look, but can look sexy as when classy, if that makes sense and his humor and loyalty. I want a man that's obsessed with me but knows how to give me my space when I need it. I love a man with a great sense of humor. My perfect man is Norman Reedus
2016-10-28 5:52 pm
Responsibility to a woman
2016-10-28 5:52 pm
Responsibility to a woman
2016-10-28 4:04 pm
What the best answer said. And that doesn't take much. Well not for me anyway. For me it is simple. I have a set of things I do daily or that I do every other week. I do them and I feel good regardless. So Alpha.
2016-10-28 4:04 pm
What the best answer said. And that doesn't take much. Well not for me anyway. For me it is simple. I have a set of things I do daily or that I do every other week. I do them and I feel good regardless. So Alpha.
2016-10-28 3:27 pm
his money :)
2016-10-28 3:27 pm
his money :)
2016-10-28 2:40 pm
Confidence and kindness
2016-10-28 2:40 pm
Confidence and kindness
2016-10-28 9:54 am
Intelligence and humour!
2016-10-28 9:54 am
Intelligence and humour!
2016-10-28 7:13 am
A kind, understanding heart and strong shoulders and hands
2016-10-28 7:13 am
A kind, understanding heart and strong shoulders and hands
2016-10-28 6:50 am
2016-10-28 6:50 am
2016-10-28 5:33 am
A long tongue - Believe that I'll tell you another one!
2016-10-28 5:33 am
A long tongue - Believe that I'll tell you another one!
2016-10-28 5:14 am
2016-10-28 5:14 am
2016-10-28 4:59 am
oh I have 2 girlfriends. They are bitchy, playful and competitive, but you can get them to like you by making them laugh.
2016-10-28 4:59 am
oh I have 2 girlfriends. They are bitchy, playful and competitive, but you can get them to like you by making them laugh.
2016-10-28 3:32 am
LOL....women only care about your dick size
2016-10-28 3:32 am
LOL....women only care about your dick size
2016-10-28 3:02 am
Sweet, caring, funny personality.
2016-10-28 3:02 am
Sweet, caring, funny personality.
2016-10-28 2:37 am
2016-10-28 2:37 am
2016-10-28 2:20 am
I can't name just 1 so I'm going to put a few. The most important one to me is a guy being funny, like being able to really just laugh a lot. But being funny isn't the only thing necessary, faithfulness, being passionate, and confidence are all both really important as well.
2016-10-28 2:20 am
I can't name just 1 so I'm going to put a few. The most important one to me is a guy being funny, like being able to really just laugh a lot. But being funny isn't the only thing necessary, faithfulness, being passionate, and confidence are all both really important as well.
2016-10-28 2:04 am
self confidence in uniqueness. Women like a man who is outgoing and confident, and who has unique talents and personality.
2016-10-28 2:04 am
self confidence in uniqueness. Women like a man who is outgoing and confident, and who has unique talents and personality.
2016-10-28 1:08 am
2016-10-28 1:08 am
2016-10-28 12:19 am
His sexy, sexy respect for all people, kindness, personality, humor, self confidence, loyalty, intelligence, and humility
2016-10-28 12:19 am
His sexy, sexy respect for all people, kindness, personality, humor, self confidence, loyalty, intelligence, and humility
2016-10-27 11:10 pm
2016-10-27 11:10 pm
2016-10-27 10:04 pm
his dick
2016-10-27 10:04 pm
his dick
2016-10-27 8:45 pm
a big chin and big forehead
2016-10-27 8:45 pm
a big chin and big forehead
2016-10-27 8:41 pm
Confidence and personality are attractive to me.
2016-10-27 8:41 pm
Confidence and personality are attractive to me.
2016-10-27 7:57 pm
Just trait him as you want to be trait and he will love you forever.
2016-10-27 7:57 pm
Just trait him as you want to be trait and he will love you forever.
2016-10-27 7:38 pm
I know women likes confidence.
2016-10-27 7:38 pm
I know women likes confidence.
2016-10-27 7:04 pm
Supportive, most men want you there for them but not you.
2016-10-27 7:04 pm
Supportive, most men want you there for them but not you.
2016-10-27 6:57 pm
His need for sex
2016-10-27 6:57 pm
His need for sex
2016-10-27 6:52 pm
Being Respectful and Understanding
2016-10-27 6:52 pm
Being Respectful and Understanding
2016-10-27 5:54 pm
2016-10-27 5:54 pm
2016-10-27 5:52 pm
butt, legs and inteligence
2016-10-27 5:52 pm
butt, legs and inteligence
2016-10-27 4:14 pm
2016-10-27 4:14 pm
2016-10-27 3:16 pm
The ability and willingness to allow you to be yourself.
2016-10-27 3:16 pm
The ability and willingness to allow you to be yourself.
2016-10-27 12:31 pm
Loving god with all his earth and fearing him. That is all that matter and everything else flows from there. Apparence is important but not so much
2016-10-27 12:31 pm
Loving god with all his earth and fearing him. That is all that matter and everything else flows from there. Apparence is important but not so much
2016-10-27 10:30 am
2016-10-27 10:30 am
2016-10-27 9:16 am
A large penis, and a great sense of humor.
2016-10-27 9:16 am
A large penis, and a great sense of humor.
2016-10-27 9:01 am
Hairy butt.
參考: Female
2016-10-27 9:01 am
Hairy butt.
參考: Female
2016-10-27 8:08 am
Hair (I personally love platinum hair (like Kai from exo) and kind of long too) and I have a weird obsession of liking those thick muscular hands like Kai from Monster.
2016-10-27 8:08 am
Hair (I personally love platinum hair (like Kai from exo) and kind of long too) and I have a weird obsession of liking those thick muscular hands like Kai from Monster.
2016-10-27 6:48 am
Confidence is a big one!! Kindness, sexiness
2016-10-27 6:48 am
Confidence is a big one!! Kindness, sexiness
2016-10-27 5:53 am
A sense of humor, nice teeth,full head of hair and honest!
2016-10-27 5:53 am
A sense of humor, nice teeth,full head of hair and honest!
2016-10-27 5:23 am
2016-10-27 5:23 am
2016-10-27 4:27 am
Great personality
2016-10-27 4:27 am
Great personality
2016-10-27 3:41 am
I want someone who is a hard worker. Last guy I dated was a lazy bum.
2016-10-27 3:41 am
I want someone who is a hard worker. Last guy I dated was a lazy bum.
2016-10-27 3:32 am
Definitely his penis.
2016-10-27 3:32 am
Definitely his penis.
2016-10-27 3:31 am
Maturity, strength, and romantic/sexiness!...I think this shows refinement in a man, and draws attention to him!
2016-10-27 3:31 am
Maturity, strength, and romantic/sexiness!...I think this shows refinement in a man, and draws attention to him!
2016-10-27 3:26 am
looks, personality, honest, faithful, gentleman, not selfish, forgiving, loving
2016-10-27 3:26 am
looks, personality, honest, faithful, gentleman, not selfish, forgiving, loving
2016-10-27 3:25 am
Someone who is honest and knows how to take responsibility for his actions. Also someone who is hardworking and passionate.
2016-10-27 3:25 am
Someone who is honest and knows how to take responsibility for his actions. Also someone who is hardworking and passionate.
2016-10-27 3:02 am
Penis,big hands,nice biceps,handsome,hairy,a sweet heart.
2016-10-27 3:02 am
Penis,big hands,nice biceps,handsome,hairy,a sweet heart.
2016-10-27 2:12 am
I think the best trait is a man who pays close attention to his women and treats her like a queen
2016-10-27 2:12 am
I think the best trait is a man who pays close attention to his women and treats her like a queen
2016-10-27 2:12 am
2016-10-27 2:12 am
2016-10-27 1:56 am
A shoulder to lean on always
2016-10-27 1:56 am
A shoulder to lean on always
2016-10-27 1:44 am
Atomic structure
2016-10-27 1:44 am
Atomic structure
2016-10-27 1:36 am
Love towards animals and children ! (And anime )
Just my own thing, I guess
2016-10-27 1:36 am
Love towards animals and children ! (And anime )
Just my own thing, I guess
2016-10-27 1:29 am
2016-10-27 1:29 am
2016-10-27 1:05 am
2016-10-27 1:05 am
2016-10-27 12:53 am
Girls always tell me it is their size that matters
2016-10-27 12:53 am
Girls always tell me it is their size that matters
2016-10-27 12:37 am
A massive cock that cums every ten minutes
2016-10-27 12:37 am
A massive cock that cums every ten minutes
2016-10-27 12:36 am
His hair
2016-10-27 12:36 am
His hair
2016-10-27 12:29 am
For me it's humour :)
2016-10-27 12:29 am
For me it's humour :)
2016-10-26 11:55 pm
2016-10-26 11:55 pm
2016-10-26 11:34 pm
His demeanour.
2016-10-26 11:34 pm
His demeanour.
2016-10-26 11:21 pm
2016-10-26 11:21 pm
2016-10-26 9:49 pm
a kind heart----- same for a woman.
2016-10-26 9:49 pm
a kind heart----- same for a woman.
2016-10-26 9:14 pm
Big bank account
2016-10-26 9:14 pm
Big bank account
2016-10-26 9:11 pm
2016-10-26 9:11 pm
2016-10-26 8:35 pm
Being sweet. I would never be able to date a man that acts all tough and hyper-masculine
2016-10-26 8:35 pm
Being sweet. I would never be able to date a man that acts all tough and hyper-masculine
2016-10-26 8:32 pm
Being royal
2016-10-26 8:32 pm
Being royal
2016-10-26 8:30 pm
2016-10-26 8:30 pm
2016-10-26 8:30 pm
2016-10-26 8:30 pm
2016-10-26 7:38 pm
Good pronounciation
2016-10-26 7:38 pm
Good pronounciation
2016-10-26 7:28 pm
2016-10-26 7:28 pm
2016-10-26 6:53 pm
2016-10-26 6:53 pm
2016-10-26 6:49 pm
Being wise, honest, understanding,
2016-10-26 6:49 pm
Being wise, honest, understanding,
2016-10-26 6:36 pm
A great personality
2016-10-26 6:36 pm
A great personality
2016-10-26 6:35 pm
Honesty & loyalty
2016-10-26 6:35 pm
Honesty & loyalty
2016-10-26 5:27 pm
Big cock.
2016-10-26 5:27 pm
Big cock.
2016-10-26 5:02 pm
2016-10-26 5:02 pm
2016-10-26 4:46 pm
2016-10-26 4:46 pm
2016-10-26 3:56 pm
2016-10-26 3:56 pm
2016-10-26 3:22 pm
Smile and personality
2016-10-26 3:22 pm
Smile and personality
2016-10-26 2:54 pm
Integrity and responsibility.
2016-10-26 2:54 pm
Integrity and responsibility.
2016-10-26 2:51 pm
I think confidence is one thing but its often short lived if you don't have personality. Something that makes you enjoy spending time with that person. I have met many guys that were confident, but were boaring to hang with.
2016-10-26 2:51 pm
I think confidence is one thing but its often short lived if you don't have personality. Something that makes you enjoy spending time with that person. I have met many guys that were confident, but were boaring to hang with.
2016-10-26 2:37 pm
2016-10-26 2:37 pm
2016-10-26 2:17 pm
They have to be caring
2016-10-26 2:17 pm
They have to be caring
2016-10-26 12:35 pm
Him not being shallow is one of them.
2016-10-26 12:35 pm
Him not being shallow is one of them.
2016-10-26 12:00 pm
For me, it is looks and faithfulness.
2016-10-26 12:00 pm
For me, it is looks and faithfulness.
2016-10-26 11:44 am
2016-10-26 11:44 am
2016-10-26 11:40 am
2016-10-26 11:40 am
2016-10-26 11:27 am
Understanding and accepetance
2016-10-26 11:27 am
Understanding and accepetance
2016-10-26 10:32 am
honesty is best trait and most desirable trait.
2016-10-26 10:32 am
honesty is best trait and most desirable trait.
2016-10-26 8:23 am
Sense of humor
2016-10-26 8:23 am
Sense of humor
2016-10-26 7:58 am
2016-10-26 7:58 am
2016-10-26 7:40 am
2016-10-26 7:40 am
2016-10-26 7:33 am
Confidence and humor
2016-10-26 7:33 am
Confidence and humor
2016-10-26 7:27 am
the way he carries himself and speaks to you
2016-10-26 7:27 am
the way he carries himself and speaks to you
2016-10-26 7:18 am
Loyalty, honesty, caring, loving, filial,
2016-10-26 7:18 am
Loyalty, honesty, caring, loving, filial,
2016-10-26 7:02 am
Having a protective nature. Not controlling protective.
2016-10-26 7:02 am
Having a protective nature. Not controlling protective.
2016-10-26 7:00 am
Bluntly saying: His dick and mind.
2016-10-26 7:00 am
Bluntly saying: His dick and mind.
2016-10-26 6:50 am
2016-10-26 6:50 am
2016-10-26 6:36 am
Pecs and ABS
2016-10-26 6:36 am
Pecs and ABS
2016-10-26 5:35 am
His love for God
2016-10-26 5:35 am
His love for God
2016-10-26 3:06 am
Essentially the same as for women, I'd say. Reliability, trustworthiness, sense of responsibility, kindness and a good sense of humor. Plus he is modern in the sense that duties are not gender specific, e.g. he can change the toilet paper roll and you can take the car in for tire rotation, etc.
2016-10-26 3:06 am
Essentially the same as for women, I'd say. Reliability, trustworthiness, sense of responsibility, kindness and a good sense of humor. Plus he is modern in the sense that duties are not gender specific, e.g. he can change the toilet paper roll and you can take the car in for tire rotation, etc.
2016-10-26 2:54 am
For me, its proper vocabulary/good grammar. If you're one of those guys that says, "I seen" instead of "I saw", than you are not for me lol
2016-10-26 2:54 am
For me, its proper vocabulary/good grammar. If you're one of those guys that says, "I seen" instead of "I saw", than you are not for me lol
2016-10-26 2:44 am
it depends on the girl. Certain people have different views on the most desirable trait in a man, as shown by the different comments. But in my opinion, the most desirable traits of a man are his personalty, commitment, and intellect.
2016-10-26 2:44 am
it depends on the girl. Certain people have different views on the most desirable trait in a man, as shown by the different comments. But in my opinion, the most desirable traits of a man are his personalty, commitment, and intellect.
2016-10-26 2:21 am
Passion. Emotional and physical.
2016-10-26 2:21 am
Passion. Emotional and physical.
2016-10-26 1:38 am
Honesty matters the most. Your relationship can't build if you can't trust your man.
2016-10-26 1:38 am
Honesty matters the most. Your relationship can't build if you can't trust your man.
2016-10-26 1:30 am
men who know what they want and are sincere about it. logical, not impulsive
2016-10-26 1:30 am
men who know what they want and are sincere about it. logical, not impulsive
2016-10-26 12:40 am
RESPECT-intelligence (in all areas-including income & management of it), good looks, character & social intelligence, hygiene, romance, responsibility, discipline
2016-10-26 12:40 am
RESPECT-intelligence (in all areas-including income & management of it), good looks, character & social intelligence, hygiene, romance, responsibility, discipline
2016-10-26 12:32 am
Malena s husband.That kind of man.
2016-10-26 12:32 am
Malena s husband.That kind of man.
2016-10-26 12:23 am
2016-10-26 12:23 am
2016-10-26 12:05 am
2016-10-26 12:05 am
2016-10-25 11:48 pm
I believe that woman are most drawn too men that have a good tribute in Honesty (:
2016-10-25 11:48 pm
I believe that woman are most drawn too men that have a good tribute in Honesty (:
2016-10-25 11:47 pm
The only thing that attracts a woman to a man is the fact that he works and drives. If either one of those things are missing, the woman thinks of the man as a child, and as having mental problems, and she wants literally nothing to do with him, at all, under any circumstance.
參考: Women
2016-10-25 11:47 pm
The only thing that attracts a woman to a man is the fact that he works and drives. If either one of those things are missing, the woman thinks of the man as a child, and as having mental problems, and she wants literally nothing to do with him, at all, under any circumstance.
參考: Women
2016-10-25 11:46 pm
Honesty, faithfulness, respect and love
2016-10-25 11:46 pm
Honesty, faithfulness, respect and love
2016-10-25 11:41 pm
2016-10-25 11:41 pm
2016-10-25 11:38 pm
Personally I'd say self-confidence, being able to keep a conversation going and have a good sense of humor.
2016-10-25 11:38 pm
Personally I'd say self-confidence, being able to keep a conversation going and have a good sense of humor.
2016-10-25 11:37 pm
2016-10-25 11:37 pm
2016-10-25 11:32 pm
2016-10-25 11:32 pm
2016-10-25 11:27 pm
Honesty and/or confidence. Certainly not looks or money. If you chase either of the latter, it never ends well (for you).
2016-10-25 11:27 pm
Honesty and/or confidence. Certainly not looks or money. If you chase either of the latter, it never ends well (for you).
2016-10-25 11:25 pm
Heart honesty
2016-10-25 11:25 pm
Heart honesty
2016-10-25 11:20 pm
His heart
2016-10-25 11:20 pm
His heart
2016-10-25 11:10 pm
when he's respectful and kind
2016-10-25 11:10 pm
when he's respectful and kind
2016-10-25 10:46 pm
Good personality,well-mannered, well-spoken and knows never miss the good chance too shut up.
2016-10-25 10:46 pm
Good personality,well-mannered, well-spoken and knows never miss the good chance too shut up.
2016-10-25 10:42 pm
MONEY! the more cash then better
2016-10-25 10:42 pm
MONEY! the more cash then better
2016-10-25 10:35 pm
The most important is to have a personality compatible with his partner's. Without that, it's impossible to form a long term relationship.
2016-10-25 10:35 pm
The most important is to have a personality compatible with his partner's. Without that, it's impossible to form a long term relationship.
2016-10-25 10:31 pm
2016-10-25 10:31 pm
2016-10-25 10:18 pm
big dick
2016-10-25 10:18 pm
big dick
2016-10-25 9:15 pm
i don't think there is just one, for me personally there is a couple that are very important to me, They are as follows; honesty, sense of humor and can hold a conversation.
2016-10-25 9:15 pm
i don't think there is just one, for me personally there is a couple that are very important to me, They are as follows; honesty, sense of humor and can hold a conversation.
2016-10-25 9:10 pm
I love funny guys 💕❤
2016-10-25 9:10 pm
I love funny guys 💕❤
2016-10-25 8:39 pm
2016-10-25 8:39 pm
2016-10-25 8:35 pm
Confidence, kindness, honesty and protection
2016-10-25 8:35 pm
Confidence, kindness, honesty and protection
2016-10-25 7:58 pm
That he is John.
2016-10-25 7:58 pm
That he is John.
2016-10-25 7:42 pm
Honesty. Yes of course you want him to be honest if he cheats but if you have to worry about that then you need to rethink the relationship. Honesty is much more than cheating and honest man will be honest with you about any and everything and he will be honest with himself. Honesty is a trait that everyone should have, sadly it isn't.
2016-10-25 7:42 pm
Honesty. Yes of course you want him to be honest if he cheats but if you have to worry about that then you need to rethink the relationship. Honesty is much more than cheating and honest man will be honest with you about any and everything and he will be honest with himself. Honesty is a trait that everyone should have, sadly it isn't.
2016-10-25 7:18 pm
For a woman, presumably that he IS a man.
2016-10-25 7:18 pm
For a woman, presumably that he IS a man.
2016-10-25 7:16 pm
2016-10-25 7:16 pm
2016-10-25 7:14 pm
Nice goes a long way with me.
Right to the bedroom.
2016-10-25 7:14 pm
Nice goes a long way with me.
Right to the bedroom.
2016-10-25 7:12 pm
His personality for sure
2016-10-25 7:12 pm
His personality for sure
2016-10-25 7:11 pm
Intelligence, good manners, thoughtful, good hygiene, and a man who can take care of himself all around.
2016-10-25 7:11 pm
Intelligence, good manners, thoughtful, good hygiene, and a man who can take care of himself all around.
2016-10-25 7:03 pm
bi tches love money
2016-10-25 7:03 pm
bi tches love money
2016-10-25 6:51 pm
12 inches or more
2016-10-25 6:51 pm
12 inches or more
2016-10-25 6:44 pm

That he will ALWAYS be LOYAL to his girl.
2016-10-25 6:44 pm

That he will ALWAYS be LOYAL to his girl.
2016-10-25 6:28 pm
2016-10-25 6:28 pm
2016-10-25 5:20 pm
2016-10-25 5:20 pm
2016-10-25 4:49 pm
2016-10-25 4:49 pm
2016-10-25 2:59 pm
With ''Money" you can impress lot of them, even though not all.
2016-10-25 2:59 pm
With ''Money" you can impress lot of them, even though not all.
2016-10-25 2:39 pm
2016-10-25 2:39 pm
2016-10-25 2:06 pm
2016-10-25 2:06 pm
2016-10-25 1:23 pm
A good heart.
2016-10-25 1:23 pm
A good heart.
2016-10-25 12:24 pm
My women like a huge black penis
2016-10-25 12:24 pm
My women like a huge black penis
2016-10-25 12:01 pm
Respect if he respects u the rest will follow.
2016-10-25 12:01 pm
Respect if he respects u the rest will follow.
2016-10-25 11:34 am
Personality , wit, perseverance, and smile.
2016-10-25 11:34 am
Personality , wit, perseverance, and smile.
2016-10-25 10:42 am
Depends for what she wants to use the guy: if to have sex with him, then: confidence, physical appearance, intelligence and being a little bastard who sleeps around. For long term relationship they look for qualities like: being nice, be able to be controlled, (money+generosity), doesn't cheat.
2016-10-25 10:42 am
Depends for what she wants to use the guy: if to have sex with him, then: confidence, physical appearance, intelligence and being a little bastard who sleeps around. For long term relationship they look for qualities like: being nice, be able to be controlled, (money+generosity), doesn't cheat.
2016-10-25 10:31 am
2016-10-25 10:31 am
2016-10-25 8:42 am
I think its Attitude
2016-10-25 8:42 am
I think its Attitude
2016-10-25 8:35 am
This is when girls bullshit about personality and ****
2016-10-25 8:35 am
This is when girls bullshit about personality and ****
2016-10-25 8:35 am
I'd say the ability to use more than three syllable words, and actually understand their meaning. But then, not being a chick and not being interested in dudes, my opinion is probably of only limited value.
2016-10-25 8:35 am
I'd say the ability to use more than three syllable words, and actually understand their meaning. But then, not being a chick and not being interested in dudes, my opinion is probably of only limited value.
2016-10-25 8:09 am
to be honest, that all depends on the woman you ask. if they were to be completely honest about it, you would get a wide variety of answers. for some, intelligence, for others, kindness. there is no single right answer in this circumstance. best advice I can think of is that if you do your best at what you think is right, you won't go wrong. hope that helps.
2016-10-25 8:09 am
to be honest, that all depends on the woman you ask. if they were to be completely honest about it, you would get a wide variety of answers. for some, intelligence, for others, kindness. there is no single right answer in this circumstance. best advice I can think of is that if you do your best at what you think is right, you won't go wrong. hope that helps.
2016-10-25 7:59 am
According to women I've known: jovial handyness. Women say they don't want a man to think he can fix everything, but when they have something that needs fixing, they look for you. Men also look for other men who know better.
2016-10-25 7:59 am
According to women I've known: jovial handyness. Women say they don't want a man to think he can fix everything, but when they have something that needs fixing, they look for you. Men also look for other men who know better.
2016-10-30 6:20 am
Not being a jerk.
2016-10-30 6:20 am
Not being a jerk.
2016-10-27 7:14 pm
according to 90% of woman his height
2016-10-27 7:14 pm
according to 90% of woman his height
2016-10-26 2:22 pm
Physically? Height
Mentally? Confidence
2016-10-26 2:22 pm
Physically? Height
Mentally? Confidence
2016-10-26 8:22 am
A man only needs 3 things. 2 of them are money
2016-10-26 8:22 am
A man only needs 3 things. 2 of them are money
2016-10-26 3:08 am
2016-10-26 3:08 am
2016-10-26 12:19 am
None. I like Asian girls.
2016-10-26 12:19 am
None. I like Asian girls.
2016-10-25 7:48 pm
Here are the top 20 traits women look for in a man, from Men's Health. ... Your willingness to give your time and lend your ear is what women crave. ... Best way to improve your looks: Smile more, and make certain your Convincing evidence suggests that it takes only one thing to get a woman's attention: money. (See Trump wedding, photos of.) But if you eliminate cash and gifts of Manolo Blahniks from the equation, it is unclear which of the more intangible attributes contribute to a man's sexiness
.learn more & more http://ow.ly/Ng76305wyOv
2016-10-25 7:48 pm
Here are the top 20 traits women look for in a man, from Men's Health. ... Your willingness to give your time and lend your ear is what women crave. ... Best way to improve your looks: Smile more, and make certain your Convincing evidence suggests that it takes only one thing to get a woman's attention: money. (See Trump wedding, photos of.) But if you eliminate cash and gifts of Manolo Blahniks from the equation, it is unclear which of the more intangible attributes contribute to a man's sexiness
.learn more & more http://ow.ly/Ng76305wyOv
2016-10-25 4:40 pm
Big penis
2016-10-25 4:40 pm
Big penis
2016-10-25 12:35 pm
Honesty ( rare), intelligence, individuality and a sense of humor. Oh and also loves adventure. To me men are supposed to be fun to be around and also sweet but still know how to take command. Not a stupid pussy.
2016-10-25 12:35 pm
Honesty ( rare), intelligence, individuality and a sense of humor. Oh and also loves adventure. To me men are supposed to be fun to be around and also sweet but still know how to take command. Not a stupid pussy.
2016-10-25 11:28 am
Confidence, hard working, honest, dignity and pride.
2016-10-25 11:28 am
Confidence, hard working, honest, dignity and pride.
2016-10-25 7:39 am
Work ethic and being smart
2016-10-25 7:39 am
Work ethic and being smart
2016-10-25 7:31 am

someones who is understanding and reasonable
2016-10-25 7:31 am

someones who is understanding and reasonable
2016-10-25 7:09 am
good personality. cares about others.
2016-10-25 7:09 am
good personality. cares about others.
2016-10-25 6:38 am
Personality and sex
2016-10-25 6:38 am
Personality and sex
2016-10-25 5:19 am
2016-10-25 5:19 am
2016-10-25 4:47 am
well, im asexual so im going to do this as what i want in friends:

-sense of humor: someone who can make me laugh and shares a similar one with me

-intelligence: i hate idiots

-intrest shares: someone who is somewhat similar to me, so we can talk about things we like

-loyal: someone who will be there for me

-confidence: someone who isn't afraid to be a f*cking weirdo like me!!! :D

aaaaanndd some more but the gingerbread lady is coming after me and i gotta run before she turns me into a baked potato .-.

aka im too lazy to type more
2016-10-25 4:47 am
well, im asexual so im going to do this as what i want in friends:

-sense of humor: someone who can make me laugh and shares a similar one with me

-intelligence: i hate idiots

-intrest shares: someone who is somewhat similar to me, so we can talk about things we like

-loyal: someone who will be there for me

-confidence: someone who isn't afraid to be a f*cking weirdo like me!!! :D

aaaaanndd some more but the gingerbread lady is coming after me and i gotta run before she turns me into a baked potato .-.

aka im too lazy to type more
2016-10-25 4:09 am
2016-10-25 4:09 am
2016-10-25 3:50 am
2016-10-25 3:50 am
2016-10-25 3:07 am
2016-10-25 3:07 am
2016-10-25 2:55 am
Girls say personality
2016-10-25 2:55 am
Girls say personality
2016-10-25 2:47 am
2016-10-25 2:47 am
2016-10-25 1:02 am
2016-10-25 1:02 am
2016-10-25 12:56 am
2016-10-25 12:56 am
2016-10-25 12:07 am
2016-10-25 12:07 am
2016-10-24 11:50 pm
His personality and eyes...
2016-10-24 11:50 pm
His personality and eyes...
2016-10-24 11:42 pm
2016-10-24 11:42 pm
2016-10-24 11:21 pm
personality for sure!!
2016-10-24 11:21 pm
personality for sure!!
2016-10-24 11:18 pm
Having a good personality. A man could be good looking buy if he is a jerk that kills it for me.

Mine please https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20161024140635AA2GiNI
2016-10-24 11:18 pm
Having a good personality. A man could be good looking buy if he is a jerk that kills it for me.

Mine please https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20161024140635AA2GiNI
2016-10-24 11:18 pm
2016-10-24 11:18 pm
2016-10-24 11:16 pm
Honesty is the best policy!
2016-10-24 11:16 pm
Honesty is the best policy!
2016-10-24 11:08 pm
Maturity. Self motivated.
2016-10-24 11:08 pm
Maturity. Self motivated.
2016-10-24 10:30 pm
Physical??? Voice, butt, and upper arms (in that order). Emotional????? Stoicism, gentleness, and peacefullness. Intelligence is always attractive, the greater the IQ the better.
2016-10-24 10:30 pm
Physical??? Voice, butt, and upper arms (in that order). Emotional????? Stoicism, gentleness, and peacefullness. Intelligence is always attractive, the greater the IQ the better.
2016-10-24 8:02 pm
Friendship. You need to know and like the guy before you date or marry him
2016-10-24 8:02 pm
Friendship. You need to know and like the guy before you date or marry him
2016-10-25 4:42 am
2016-10-25 4:42 am
2016-10-25 3:11 am
2016-10-25 3:11 am
2016-10-25 1:08 am
Not a douchebag like mine... -___-
2016-10-25 1:08 am
Not a douchebag like mine... -___-
2016-10-25 12:56 am
Loyalty above all.
Loyalty pretty much sums up honesty etc..
2016-10-25 12:56 am
Loyalty above all.
Loyalty pretty much sums up honesty etc..
2016-10-24 9:28 pm
Musical talent. One who can play not just one, but several bluegrass instruments proficiently. Banjo, guitar, mandolin, fiddle.
2016-10-24 9:28 pm
Musical talent. One who can play not just one, but several bluegrass instruments proficiently. Banjo, guitar, mandolin, fiddle.
2016-10-24 8:42 pm
Look into my eyes they are my best feature *Winks* lol
2016-10-24 8:42 pm
Look into my eyes they are my best feature *Winks* lol
2016-10-24 7:47 pm
2016-10-24 7:47 pm
2016-10-24 7:32 pm
2016-10-24 7:32 pm
2016-10-24 5:42 pm
2016-10-24 5:42 pm
2016-10-24 11:41 am
gives cash to other men
2016-10-24 11:41 am
gives cash to other men

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