Should I be concerned about my cat?

2016-10-24 7:34 am
I went to pick up my cat today and as I has holding him, one claw got stuck in my shirt. I tried to unhook it ASAP but he panicked and twisted away, bringing me to the floor with him. I accidentally kneeled on his tail for a couple seconds while frantically trying to unhook it and the noise sounded HORRIBLE.

After a few minutes he was back to letting me pet him, purring, and cuddling me, but I'm still worried I hurt him. Granted I don't weigh much(125 pounds) and I wasn't putting my entire weight on my knee, but I still hear cats can get spinal injuries and broken tails from stuff like this. And that they're very good at masking pain too. Should I be worried even though he seems normal? Also if it matters, he's 17 so he's pretty old.

回答 (3)

2016-10-24 7:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Just keep an eye on him and make sure he's moving the tail, isn't acting injured.

Why have you let the nails get so long that they hooked into your shirt in the first place? You should be trimming them at the least every other week so TRIM THEM!
2016-10-24 2:11 pm
your cat will be fine
2016-10-24 11:31 am
Thats happened to me ,with the cats claw , best way is hold the animal , then lift his paw upwards ,and it should come unstuck .Ps-this works best , if you are sitting down . good luck .

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:47:30
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