What was the concentration of the HNO3 solution?

2016-10-24 7:07 am

回答 (1)

2016-10-24 7:13 am
2HNO₃(aq) + Ba(OH)₂(aq) → 2H₂O(l) + Ba(NO₃)₂(aq)
OR: Mole ratio HNO₃(aq) : Ba(OH)₂ = 2 : 1

No. of moles of Ba(OH)₂ = (0.200 mol/L) × (26.7/1000 L) = 0.00534 mol
No. of moles of HNO₃ = (0.00534 mol) × 2 = 0.107 mol
Concentration of HNO₃ = (0.107 mol) / (0.105 L) = 1.02 M

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