What is the best way to kill myself?

2016-10-24 4:56 am
I'm 18 male. I'm sick of asking this question on yahoo. Nobody actually answers my question. I'm not going to explain things,just know I'm suffering from illness,and it's pretty bad. I feel like ****. Unable to work much,very very ill. Migraines fatigue dizziness etc... Nonstop. Pls email [email protected] with good methods...I ALSO WANT TO DONATE MY ORGANS,SO PLEASE EMAIL METHODS THAT LEAVE MY ORGANS INTACT. I BEG FOR HELP. Thanks to those who care enough to help! If you aren't going to email methods,pls don't bother answering. I'm a lost cause...

回答 (4)

2016-10-24 6:37 am
Believe me when I say that we are also sick of reading this question that you have posted eight times in the last two months alone. Of course I realize that you are only doing what all good trolls have to do to survive, that being posting the same question over and over again to see what responses they will get.

Since you are having difficulties getting the answers you desire perhaps you would have better luck asking if someone will kill you instead. As part of the contract they must agree to dial 911 and let them know to send an ambulance to pick up your body so your organs will be viable.

It also looks like you are a time traveler also. Eight months you posted saying you were 17, three months ago you posted a series of questions saying first that you are 24 and married, then you say you are 17 for the next two questions, then you are 18, then back to 17.
2016-10-24 5:31 am
Things are going to get better even if they seem hopeless. For example, I have a relative who was sentenced to life in prison even if he was innocent. But he stayed strong and after 14 years, he was released because the witness recanted. Another example is Mandela who spent around 30 years in prison. He stayed strong and he was finally released and managed to become president of his country and did a lot of good and had a great and happy life because he decided to stay alive. You need to see a doctor for your mental health issues, aside from your other health issues. There are so many treatments and medicines for depression--with your doctor's guidance, you need to try them all until you find one that works for you. Very many people have recovered from depression with medical help. Some of them I know personally. Aside from that, scientists are also working on new treatments for depression and probably your other illnesses too. What if they invent a cure for your illness and depression one day after you kill yourself? Things will get better with time. There was a time, I felt hopeless and miserable, now I am very happy I decided to stay alive.
2016-10-24 5:05 am
Please don't kill yourself. I get that you feel crappy but think of how your friends and family will feel when they hear you are dead? That's honestly really selfish.
You're wondering why no one answers you're question, it's because no one wants you to kill yourself.
I'm sure you've been told this but I'm doing to repeat this - why don't you try talking to a therapist? If you've tried that and they say you should kill yourself than okay, I'll back down, but if you haven't tried talking to one than you haven't tried everything yet.
2016-10-24 5:44 am
Please don't kill yourself. That is never the answer. I know you don't want to hear this but this is not the way. You don't really want to kill yourself. And there are your friends and family that care about you, think about how they would feel if you did this. I'm 18 as well, and going through a tough time, but I'm trying to fight. I don't know all the circumstances you have, but all I know is you really shouldn't kill yourself. Please. As a person I care, nobody should ever do that to themselves. I have thought about it myself too but could never go through with it. Everything will be fine. Why don't you go to the doctor if you are having these issues? And what illness do you have if I may ask?

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