Should i keep going at the black jack table or walk away up?

2016-10-24 2:47 am
I need another opinion. I keep flip flopping.i went 150 up at a 15 dollar black jack table. I. Mixed my bets up between 15 and 30 also had a double down for 60. So im trying to decide between makin 150 real fast or keep playing with just that 150 and see what happens

回答 (6)

2016-10-24 10:58 am
That's up to you. There is no right nor wrong answer to your question.

Personally I start with table minimum just to see how the table is doing before I place any larger bets but that's just me.
2016-10-24 4:17 am
There are no correct answers to that question, but here are some things to consider.

The casino likes to call any profit that you have "house money." It is not. It is your money.

Will the 150 allow you to buy something you want that you otherwise could not afford?

Would you feel bad about losing the 150?

If you never walk away from a table while you are ahead you will never leave the casino a winner.

Money lost at a casino should be considered an entertainment expense. If the additional entertainment you would get by staying is worth 150 (or more) there is nothing wrong with staying.
2016-10-24 3:46 am
Honest to God, it just doesn't matter. The casino is going to have their money back eventually. Your only choice is do you give it to them now, or do you give it back during your next trip. Truly.
2016-11-03 6:03 pm
just walk away dude
2016-10-29 2:47 pm
you just gotta know when them know when to fold them know when to hold them know when to walk away
2016-10-24 7:06 pm
To me is sounds like you are not very good at black jack and should stop playing it

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:44:56
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