PS4 Pro vs Nintendo Switch vs Xbox One S what is your pick in order?

2016-10-23 6:19 pm

回答 (4)

2016-10-23 6:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nintendo Switch

that's it.

I don't have 4k, so me having a PS4 Pro is meaningless (I already have a PS4).

And I've never owned a Microsoft console and don't plan on starting any time soon. XBO didn't entice me. XBO-S won't.
2016-12-28 11:21 am
Well until Nintendo switch is actually released we won't be able to really say which console is better. So far the way the Nintendo switch looks I'm pretty sure it will be competition against the other systems especially if the system gets big game titles like Skyrim and etc. It would be so awesome playing games like that on the go. That will make Nintendo great again.
2016-11-24 7:29 pm
Nintendo Switch
PS4 Pro
Xbox One S
2016-10-23 6:33 pm
PS4 Pro
Xbox One S
Nintendo Switch
*Never been a fan of Nintendo games.

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