Blood of christ before body?

2016-10-23 4:38 pm
Is it wrong to take in this order? I have been taking the wine before i eat the bread; as I cannot stand drinking anything while still chewing my food.
The lady giving the wine sorta got on my case about this, but im not sure if its singil to do this or what? I feel bad now as I have done this for months now, but is it wrong?

回答 (4)

2016-10-23 5:20 pm
No, technically it is not wrong, however if many people did it, it would certainly interfere with the normal flow of people receiving Communion.

Catholic deacon
2016-10-25 7:48 am
The only thing the Bible says will cause God offense is if you partake of the elements "unworthily" and so "be guilty of sinning against the body and the blood of the Lord." You must know that you are entitled to partake, and that you do so in faith, believing in the broken body and shed blood of your Lord - 1 Corinthians 11:23-32

However, the order is also stated (verses24-25) and there is a reason for it. Before Christ's blood was fully shed in sacrifice, His body had to be broken. And another reason why the cup was kept till last was that the Passover meal had to be finished before Jesus instituted the New Covenant "in my blood" (vs 25). Verse 26 once more states the order, as part of Christian proclamation about the Lord's death, until He comes.

So could you examine yourself to see whether the way you remember is all about you, or all about your Lord? Can you not consider the agony in His breaking body and how He longed for a drink? Can you not bear to endure a couple of minutes discomfort in your mouth and throat, in view of what Jesus had to bear, to deal with your sin? Really, what and who should be given priority in this solemn remembrance?

However, this presupposes that a simple request for a minute more before the wine is handed out would not resolve the problem. In all the churches I have taken communion in, there is a decent space of time after receiving the bread, before the cup comes round. This means nobody has the problem you speak of. Have a word with the minister / elders. Ask for a minute more time, and not for the elements to be so rushed around!
2016-10-23 5:08 pm
You should not stand out like that if you can at all help it. What is an annoyance to you is a downright nuisance to others. Think 'Charity'
2016-10-23 5:02 pm
bread first then wine or wine first then bread.

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