請問各位先進, "說穿了" 這樣的用語有沒有道地的英文對應方式? 感謝您!?

2016-10-23 9:28 am

Thank you, Princess. I've one more question. How do you say: "我這三腳貓的功夫, 說穿了就不值錢了."

回答 (3)

2016-10-23 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"說穿了" = bluntly speaking, ...

1. Bluntly speaking, he is merely a liar = 說穿了,他就是一位騙子!
2. Her beauty, to say it bluntly, is artificial. = 她的美麗,說穿了,都是人造的.

What! What! What? Is this Kevin, the dude?
Where have you been? How is your son doing nowadays? Is he still available?

"我這三腳貓的功夫, 說穿了就不值錢了."
= I am a one trick pony and there is nothing left for imagination if you see through it.
2016-10-24 2:12 am
Truly speaking or speak truly. Yip
2016-10-23 11:39 am
To say the truth / to tell the truth

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