In your own opinion who has been the worst prime minister since WW2?

2016-10-23 12:20 am

回答 (24)

2016-10-23 12:20 am
Margaret Thatcher.
2016-10-23 6:35 am
2016-10-23 11:35 am
Harold Wilson he was the enemy of the Poor he even ioncreased the tax on woodbines and they were in My day the Smokes of the working class

This became popular in the Seventies when it was applied to Harold Wilson’s Labour government, and it was headed Harold Wilson Memorial Committee:

‘We have the distinguished honour of being members of the committee to raise £5 million to place a statue of Harold Wilson in front of the Houses of Parliament.

‘This committee was in quite a quandary about selecting the proper location for the statue. It was thought not wise to place it beside the statue of George Washington who never told a lie, nor beside Lloyd George, who never told the truth, since Harold Wilson could never tell the difference.

‘After careful consideration we thought it would be a good idea to place it beside the statue of Christopher Columbus, the greatest socialist of them all, in that he started out not knowing where he was going and on arrival did not know where he was, and on returning did not know where he had been, and did it on borrowed money.

‘Five thousand years ago, Moses said to the Children of Israel: “Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the promised land.” Nearly 5,000 years later Frank Cousins said: “Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, light a Camel, this is the promised land.”

‘Now Harold Wilson is stealing your shovels, kicking your asses, raising the price of camels and taking over the promised land.
If you are one of the citizens who has any money left after paying taxes, we expect a generous contribution from you for this worthwhile project.’
2016-10-23 8:31 am
2016-10-23 5:26 am
Blair or Wilson
2016-10-23 10:19 am
As a young lad, I had a neighbour who grew up with a *really hated* stepdad - due to Anthony Eden's Suez Offensive.
I guess most people here are too young to remember Edward Heath's 3 day week, and power cuts.
I guess that's the thing.... what affects us personally.
If you have a loved one who was somehow caught up in the Iraqi war, you might say Tony war criminal Blair
If your family was part of our great mining or manufacturing tradition, then you may say Margaret thatcher

I would probably blame Cameron for effectively murdering the future of this country
2016-10-23 11:23 am
Thatcher! The woeful Cameron is a close second because he followed and emulated her warped ideology.
2016-10-23 10:02 am
James Callaghan or Gordon Brown
2016-10-23 1:37 am
2016-10-23 10:40 am
Tony Blair.
A complete disaster.
2016-10-23 2:32 am
Blair. He should be tried for starting that Iraq war.
2016-10-23 1:17 am
Gordon Brown, a clueless baby who thought he was entitled to the job.
2016-10-23 12:46 am
Blair for the war and house prices - Cameron for the present Brexit circus.
All parties.
2016-10-23 11:48 am
Thatcher the snatcher ,although most of the others are equally as bad .
2016-10-23 7:54 am
Edward Heath
2016-10-23 3:44 am
David Cameron screwed my life proper but helped me at the same time, if it wasn't for David Cameron I would still be signing on, getting caught shoplifting and doing drugs, smoking and drinking. But David Cameron wasn't great either, now I have to work really hard to be able to afford my further education courses in college and be able to pay my rent, bills, food, clothing, toiletries and transport. If I could only study and have everything paid for until I got all the qualifications I wanted I would contribute towards society so much more... Oh well, your loss Britain!
2016-10-23 11:45 am
Cameron, he's killed off Great Britain by finishing what Thatcher started
2016-10-28 2:47 pm
gordon brown, a clueless baby who thought he was entitled to the job...
2016-10-25 7:42 pm
Gordon Brown. He was a disaster as Chancellor and as PM.
2016-10-23 7:14 pm
2016-10-23 1:29 pm
David Cameron. His referendum catastrophe and its likely consequences edges out even Margaret Thatcher.
2016-10-23 12:21 am
2016-10-23 4:00 am
Mr. Cup of tea, old chap.
2016-10-23 1:56 am
From a religious perspective, I would have to say Mrs Thatcher.

Her funeral back in 2013 was pathetic because Brian Charteris the Bishop of London effectively gave a sermon that said she would go to heaven, "God we commend this Christian to you, blah, blah etc" without realising that this same God had already rejected her soul. Revelation 20:10, 15

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