Can I get anything from the company I work for, for false accusations?

2016-10-22 9:15 pm
Where I work, someone defaced company property. They are still currently working there, along with myself. It is a trucking company garage where we work on the trucks and repair them. This happened near the area I work, but I didn't see who did it. They have an area where they spray paint parts, and when I was getting tools I heard them in the bay painting the parts (which is allowed.) I didn't think anything of it because there are people always doing that. When I went back out to continue working, they went to where I get my tools from and sprayed a big cabinet we keep supplies in. I'm pretty sure I know who did it, but they already are blaming me because that's the area where I work, even though the truck I was working on was out of eyesight of that specific area. My boss said to my face that he thinks I did it, and I've been telling them everything I know to clear my name from this. I know I didn't do it and I'd bet my job on it. If they want my to take a polygraph test I will, but that's not good enough for them and I believe they are thinking of letting me go for this. It's been causing a lot of anxiety on my part because I have bills I need to pay and wouldn't do something stupid like that to jeopardize my job. If and when they ever find out who did in fact do it, can I get anything put of them for doing this to me?

回答 (3)

2016-10-23 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
They aren 't doing anything to you. They have a right to ask questions/investigate and make a decision as to who they think did it. If they are wrong, it is unfortunate but, they have a right to their opinion. All you can do is hope that they decide they really don 't know and keep you on.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2016-10-22 10:39 pm
Unless they PUBLICLY accused you, you have no case. You have been told the SEVERAL times.
2016-10-22 9:41 pm
Oh stop, how many times are we going to have to see this question?

You were given answers the last time you posted this. You think something changed between 7 hours ago and now?

YOU HAVE NO LAW SUIT, you can ask this 17 more times and you will still have no lawsuit

But if you do not want to take our word for it, hire an employment lawyer, but stop asking here

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