Do girls like shorter guys if they are attractive ?

2016-10-22 12:25 pm
Hello I am 18 and 5'5 I don't think i will grow any taller.
Most girls nowadays are taller than me
There is this one girl I have a crush on but she is taller probably 5'7
However even though I am short I have a moderately muscular physique
people also say that I have a chiseled Jawline
so does being attractive in other aspect compensate for being short ??

回答 (3)

2016-10-22 12:29 pm
Many women do not like men who are overly self-conscious about their height and appearance.
2016-10-22 5:28 pm
A lot of women are attracted to tall men even if he doesn't have the most attractive of faces, but there are some women who aren't as concerned with height. It's hard to know if a girl you like is into height or also likes shorter guys. She may not be entirely honest about her preference if there's any possibility it would hurt someone's feelings. But even if she does have a preference for taller I think an interesting personality, good conversation skills and a sense of humor would make up for any height disparity more than anything else looks-wise- and if it doesn't she was never worth your time to begin with.
2016-10-22 12:39 pm
It would help if you linked a photo and asked people

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