Is Britain aiming for a reputation in Europe and the world as a backwards racist country like Hungary?

2016-10-22 8:44 am

A country where the currency isn't worth much and most inhabitants are thick and racist? Or is that not an intentional act and just a by-product of people following a few really vicious media outlets?


I've worked some projects there, took a few holidays with my family and found it a nice country to visit pre-brexit. Was there in the summer and already noted tensions on the rise. I'm just sad to see a previously nice country turn like this.

回答 (10)

2016-10-22 10:00 am
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That's what Britain First is leading the way in trying to achieve.
2016-10-22 8:44 am
Seems to me they're the only ones with any common sense.
2016-10-22 9:46 am
Hungary: The prime minister of Hungary is how all prime ministers should be. The people of Hungary come first. There is nothing wrong with that.
2016-10-22 9:34 am
when Hungary and the UK have Rid themselves of the New Black Plague infesting Europe the rest of the EU will say why did we Not Listen

Islam is Not a Race but a Filthy Cult and needs destroying
2016-10-22 10:08 am
The Uk is the least racist country on the planet. Apart from recent immigrants who have brought racist attitudes with them !!!
2016-10-22 10:20 am
No, it is looking for a reputation for a country that is not going to be over run with the immigrants Merkel wants. Anyway, why do you care, don't you pretend to live in Holland? Funny you care so much to troll the UK Current events calling people racists, how well is immigration going down in NL, quick google it, you are no more a Dutch man than my cat is an astronaut.
No doubt an immigrant to Britain who thinks we should welcome more of your fellow immigrants, how welcoming is your own country, you know Pakistan, and why did you leave it to come to racist Britain?
And thick, ah yes the lefties slur on anyone not thick enough to buy their poison.
2016-10-22 9:41 am
Shut up you stupid racist cùnt.
2016-10-22 10:02 am
Third world countries and their peoples are the racists because they will kill incomers.
2016-10-22 9:54 am
Um, no. Anything else ?
2016-10-22 9:53 am
Thanks everyone. 4 votes for racism, one rather lame insult. I think it's clear what Britain stands for nowadays.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:43:27
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