Can I sue this company?

2016-10-22 8:28 am
I'll try to make a long story short. Basically I was working a few days ago, and while I was working someone decided to spray paint company property. The person also works there. I did not see who it was, but I heard them spray painting a part, then when I left the area I'm assuming they also spray painted the equipment. The bosses are furious about this, and since I'm usually the only one back in that area, they are believing that I did it. I know I did not do it, but everyone else thinks I did. If I did, I would not be asking this question. The boss said to me in his office along with the day shift foreman "I am going to be blunt with you, I think you did it" as he looked at me and said it in front of another worker that was the night shift foreman, and the day shift foreman. Now, when and hopefully if they find out who actually did it ( And I have a good idea who did because they basically went around saying I did it, and they said they spray painted someone's toolbox with the exact same paint ) can I do anything about it since they falsely accused me? Because if they don't find out I'll most likely be losing my job, then I can't pay my bills or car payment which is creating a lot of stress and anxiety for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and it'll help put my mind to ease. Thank you.

回答 (4)

2016-10-22 8:38 am
They may be erroneous in their belief, but they didn't falsely accuse you.
2016-10-22 1:42 pm
The ONLY way you would have a case is if they PUBLICLY accused you. Statements made in the presence of other members of the management team are NOT slander, and 'I think you did it' isn't even false.

Note: Even if you didn't do it, which I don't buy, they can fire you for leaving your work area unattended and unsecured, or merely because they don't trust you.
2016-10-22 10:19 am
They have to fire you first. You can sue but it would be not worth going after it unless your income is high enough to afford a attorney. More than likey they will not fire you. You may want to go back to them and tell them you have car payments and bills and you would not jepordize anything to loose everything, it does not make sense.
2016-10-22 9:16 am
Nope, they didn't fire you, and the evidence they have kind of points to you.

if you have information on who did do it, you should give that information to them

You have no law suit as of yet, if they terminate you, then you may have one, but as of now, you have suffered no loss-Offer to take a polygraph test

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