What are your thoughts about the Nintendo Switch ?

2016-10-22 4:17 am
Personally I can't wait for the new Mario, and an "updated MK8 and Splatoon"

回答 (2)

2016-10-22 9:02 am
I'll probably buy it.
2016-10-22 4:53 am
Nintendo is already marketing the Nintendo Switch better then the Nintendo Wii-U which was taken to be an Add-On to the Nintendo Wii which became a gimmick paperweight. I like how Nintendo has returned to Cartridges for their video games, the play on the go design will be very popular in the Asian Market and Nintendo has a strong launch list already including The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim [Special Edition] which means that the Nintendo Switch will be just as powerful as Sony's PlayStation 4 as rumored.

If Nintendo continues to play their cards right this could put them back in the spotlight.
參考: I'm a video game critic, it's kinda; my job.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:43:40
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