Drums question.?

2016-10-22 2:31 am
So I'm a guitarist, and I write tons of songs. I want to start doing some simple drum tracks just to get the idea accross. How hard are the drums compared to the guitar and how long might it take for me to be good enough on drums to do simple stuff?

回答 (2)

2016-10-23 2:22 pm
Everybody Drink
2016-10-22 3:47 am
It depends on you. I have been playing for over 30 years. And I dont play the guitar but I play the bass as well, and they are two totally different animals. The mindset is different and how you go about playing them are different. But could you do it. Yes but its not easy. If someone says drums are easy than they are only half right. Yes drums are simple to pick up and learn. But there are a lot of complex and difficult things you must do. You cant compare the guitar to the drums, but as cliche as it is if you put your mind to it than you can accomplish it. Plain and simple its not easy but with dedication you can do it. Approach it like you do the guitar, the same want and drive and you can do it. And I know the bass and guitar are essentially the same thing, but there are some key differences.

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