Is $2,800 a lot in credit card debt?

2016-10-22 2:22 am

回答 (5)

2016-10-22 2:23 am
only if you can't pay it off
2016-10-24 9:11 am
No and yes.....depends on your situation. What is your current income level would be the largest factor, which goes hand in hand with how much can you afford to pay down each month.

I would say if you make decent money then no its not. If you are barely able to make the minimum payments then yes it is.
2016-10-24 4:20 am
The tricky thing about credit card debt is that it can easily spiral into an amount much larger going beyond your affordability. Credit cards are one of the most expensive forms of debt. The interest charged on outstanding balance is very high and you certainly don't want to mess with it.

If you cannot afford to repay $2,800 in a single shot, then yes it is quite high. You must make all efforts to pay it off in full before it gets a chance to increase exponentially causing great and far-reaching damage to your credit score.
2016-10-22 9:06 pm
it is if you can't pay it
2016-10-22 4:30 pm
depends on how much you make.. If you make 100,000 per month then no, if you make 400 per month then yes
2016-10-22 5:45 am
Depends on your income.
2016-10-22 4:10 am
Yes, if you can't pay it off in one or two payments.
2016-10-22 2:27 am
Yeah, its more than I ever want to have.
2016-10-22 2:24 am
I have much more and no I can't pay it off

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