my 1988 toytoa corolla deluxe dieing out put new fuel filter what can it be carb?

2016-10-21 9:36 am

回答 (4)

2016-10-21 7:18 pm
Did you check the float yet? Alcohol in fuel can attack it, soak in it, and make it too heavy to float resulting in carburetor flooding. That will kill the engine at idle.
2016-10-21 3:12 pm
I thought after you asking this two dozen times, you'd have it fixed by now. Yes, it's the carb.
2016-10-21 2:16 pm
Dirt in the carb will do that every time. If there is an electric idle jet have someone turn the ignition on and off several times so you can listen for the electric jet to click on and off. I just took the top off of Toyota truck of the same vintage and blew out the jets and cleaned the bowl. I thing ethanol coagulated in the jets and got lucky using a compressor and air gun.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2016-10-21 10:10 am
Fuel pump? Vacuum leak?

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