If you only had 1 day to live, how would you spend the time?

2016-10-21 3:45 am

回答 (10)

2016-10-21 4:52 am
I would spend it at Disney World with my family..

參考: Halloween Question: What is a skeleton’s favorite musical instrument? Answer: A trombone
2016-10-21 3:48 am
Relaxing.... that would be great!
2016-10-21 5:59 am
Eat all you can.
2016-10-21 4:10 am
getting it right with God
2016-10-21 4:02 am
Probably in a hospital bed.
2016-10-21 3:53 am
2016-10-21 3:52 am
With my dog and eating chocolate. (I can't have chocolate bc the sugar gives me a migraine 24hr after I eat it)
2016-10-21 3:49 am
stuck in traffic
2016-10-21 3:49 am
Sex and alcohol.
2016-10-21 3:47 am

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