If youre voting for Hillary; state your reason why?

2016-10-20 3:56 am

回答 (11)

2016-10-20 3:59 am
Highly qualified for the job.
Knows how to fight dirty (essential for politics in America)
Has a good deal of global experience, dealing with other countries
Won't do anything crazy or utterly stupid.

She's not perfect for me, by any means. I don't expect great change through her.
2016-10-20 4:00 am
Because I want to.
2016-10-20 4:24 am
See the policy proposals in specific detail at https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/ and also try the Wikipedia biography or the "National First Ladies Library" biography to learn how incredibly qualified and experienced Hillary Rodham Clinton has shown herself to be.

I have met Hillary Clinton twice, and was also able to serve on Bill Clinton's Steering Committee for both elections. Here is a Hillary some of you may not know because of all the vicious women-fearing propaganda flung at both Hillary and her budget-balancing former-President husband Bill Clinton: At a 1991 rally at Soulard Market, in St. Louis, with people stretched out as far as the eye could see all the way down to City Hall, my young daughter and I had arrived very early to be in the front row only to be pushed aside just as their bus arrived by four adult Down's Syndrome people in wheelchairs being brought to the front---and I felt somewhat irked after waiting for hours. After the speeches, the foursome (Bill and Hillary, Tipper and Al Gore) came down to schmooze with the crowd, Tipper taking pictures of the news crew taking pictures of the candidates. As Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Tipper moved on down the line shaking hands, Hillary stopped in front of the four disabled folks in front of us and knelt down to listen to what one of the women was trying to say, leaning in to hear the words. She was wearing a suit with a skirt, but did not pay any attention to her outfit, putting one knee on the ground, no cameramen around anywhere, and pulled out a handkerchief from one of her jacket pockets to wipe spittle from the cheek of the Downs-afflicted woman, continuing to listen as the woman spoke. When the effort was done, Hillary rose and shook each of the four wheelchair-bound hands with both of hers, very gracious and sincere. I was impressed---and felt a little guilty that I'd been less kind.

At an earlier date in Little Rock, Arkansas, my daughter's dad (who was 20 years my senior and an Arkansas businessman) had occasion to drop off some papers at what turned out to be the Governor's home, and a young blond woman with a hairband, in bluejeans and without shoes, answered the door. I'd been asked to remain in the car---probably because he did not want anyone to think I was his daughter, so when he got back to the car I asked: "Who was that?" "That is Arkansas's First Lady," he told me..."Hillary Clinton." She was very natural, not someone one would expect.

Hillary has devoted her entire adult life to public service, to doing "all the good I can for as many people as I can for as long as I can." Why the Republicans chose to target both Hillary and her husband Bill Clinton from the first day they arrived in Washington is a mystery to me (Joe Conason & Gene Lyons, 2000: "The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton"), but the vicious attacks and smear campaigns began as soon as the very popular power couple burst upon the national scene. Look beneath this GOP-flung bull...er...elephant dung propaganda, however...and you can see for yourself (read the biography!) why Hillary is the best person for the job of Leader of the Free World, Commander-in-Chief of all our Armed Forces, and the President of the United States!
2016-10-20 3:57 am
"trump's mean words are worse than hillary's evil actions"
2016-10-20 4:09 am
never drumpf
2016-10-20 4:08 am
I supporting hillary because she is itellegent SNL makes who look cooler and yahhh
2016-10-20 4:09 am
Good answers
2016-10-20 4:01 am
I'm voting for her cos she's a woman I'm not sexist
2016-10-20 3:58 am
Conservatives hate gays like me.
2016-10-20 4:01 am
I really don't want to vote but I feel obligated to because I live in a state where my vote is worth 15x the normal vote and it's a flip state. If this was a real Democracy without all the pay to play involved I would vote for Jill Stein instead. But because Trump is hugely incompetent and his economic plan would end up costing the US at least another 4 trillion dollars in debt, I feel that the safest option is Hillary because at least with her we will still have some stability.
2016-10-20 3:58 am
I would vote Trump, I would only vote for Hillary because of Warren Buffett.

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