Do all men like p***?

2016-10-20 12:03 am
And if a guy doesn't like it what does it mean
I'm a girl I'm just wondering

回答 (6)

2016-10-20 4:08 pm
why do you need "all" men and "all" women to be a certain way? people are individuals. there is nothing that "ALL" men matter how many times you post these things
2016-10-20 1:43 pm
gays like di ck
2016-10-20 5:36 am
No. not all guys like porn. I personally don't. I understand the appeal but i don't understand why people like to think it's close to reality
2016-10-20 4:15 am
No. Not all men like porn. Porn is a very vague topic. So much falls under the term. There is romantic kissing porn, there is foot fetish porn (just pictures of women's feet), there is cruel BDSM porn, there is illegal porn, and even cartoon porn. I doubt there are men that endorse all of these types of porn. A lot of guys are disgusted with most types. But, do men like seeing naked women? Many do. Some are weak and give in, others who believe in morals avoid porn at all cost. A lot of Christian men avoid it because Jesus said that if you man looks at a woman and desires a woman that is not his wife, that he has already committed adultery in his heart. The problem is men are more visual than women when it comes to sex. So the temptation may be there in most men, but there are heterosexual men that refuse to look at it because it is wrong and exploitative.
2016-10-20 1:20 am
Well, obviously men can be gay and prefer men. So, to answer your question in simple terms, no not all men like pussy, if that's that you're referring to.

Personally, I like pussy, I love pleasing my girl and making her feel good, because if she feels good then I'm good :)
2016-10-20 12:14 am
No your not

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