do you still use your 3DS?

2016-10-19 3:38 pm

回答 (18)

2016-10-19 3:51 pm
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2016-10-19 4:02 pm
Yes I do, working on Bravely Second, with Dragon Quest VII up next.
2016-10-25 5:17 pm
Yup, why shouldn't I? I still have all of my DS games, some good 3DS games, and Sun and Moon are coming out soon.
2016-10-23 5:07 pm
Hell yeah I do
2016-10-23 1:07 pm
Yes, there's so many amazing games on the 3DS.
2016-10-23 1:01 pm
what is 3DS
is it 3D Sound ??
2016-10-22 4:53 pm
Yes, I do
2016-10-22 1:42 pm
nope, I gave mines away to my niece who came to visit a couple months ago
2016-10-22 6:17 am
Sometimes. My charger is really wonky and I'm too lazy to get a new one so whenever it's charged
2016-10-22 4:14 am
yes smt4 apocalypse baby !!
2016-10-21 11:29 pm
I just bought some games that I had missed over the years. So I've been playing it recently, but before that I hadn't touched it in like 2 years
2016-10-21 6:51 am
2016-10-21 5:25 am
Mine is so broken I can't play it any more.
2016-10-21 1:24 am
My sis still have 3DS as a handover from me :)
2016-10-20 6:06 pm
Never used it
2016-10-20 5:06 pm
2016-10-19 6:41 pm
I do, had it for a few years now, and play it daily. Thanks to Youtube and Internet Browser.
Plus online gaming with Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Pokemon,etc.
2016-10-19 5:56 pm
Yes, I do and I plan to use it even more when Pokemon Sun & Moon comes out.
2016-10-19 5:19 pm
Occasionally, tried the Sun and Moon demo yesterday :3 not really into any 3DS games atm though
2016-10-19 3:42 pm
I do (only because Youtube is installed) if it wasnt i would only use it on rare ocassions now with games being at a high price and having more responsibilities i cant be a console gamer anymore.
2016-10-19 3:41 pm
not at the moment, but once a game comes out i'll go back to it. or maybe to finish some already bought games.

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