What do you think of Clinton stealing furniture when she left the State Dept ?

2016-10-19 3:18 pm

回答 (8)

2016-10-19 4:33 pm
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that's her nature why not, she also took things when she and Bill left the \white House
2016-10-19 3:20 pm
The State Department says they know the claims are untrue. You should learn how to read, moron!
2016-10-19 3:20 pm
Gee I thought that was when they left the White House!
2016-10-19 3:18 pm
Did she sell them like all those state secrets?
2016-10-19 3:21 pm
Democrats love looting.
2016-10-19 3:18 pm
Wow! You Trolls are getting desperate!
2016-10-20 10:48 pm
Everybody watch your salt and pepper shackers.
2016-10-19 3:21 pm
Typical liberals like to take your tax paid stuff and give it to someone else.
Anyway, it was the White House where she and Bill took furnishings and furniture.
2016-10-19 3:21 pm
I think that's a lie

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