Is this possible schizophrenia?

2016-10-18 9:25 pm
Ok so I'm an 18 year old girl and I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for a few years now but I'm starting to think it's something more. Like I don't just have low mood and anxiety I feel slightly eccentric. This is as in my thoughts are very disorganised and sometimes my mind just goes blank, i have moments where I feel a bit frantic and sometimes I find it hard to talk to people normally without mumbling or acting weird, but that's usually when I don't know what to say and I get overwhelmed too easily. These issues have caused me to not be able to keep or form relationships.

回答 (7)

2016-10-18 9:32 pm
No. All that is perfectly normal with depression and anxiety. You are organized enough to write this question coherently. Schizophrenia is composed of both positive symptoms (psychosis - hallucinations and/or delusions), and negative symptoms (disorganized thought/speech, low affect, poor self care, etc). Almost every person I know with anxiety has gone through a period where they think they have schizophrenia... you just don't. You simply do not fit the criteria.
2016-10-18 9:33 pm
This doesn't sound like Schizophrenia. It sounds like mania
2016-10-18 9:29 pm
This sounds nothing like schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is when you have auditory or visual hallucinations, ex. hearing someone who's not there. Your case just sounds like anxiety
2016-10-19 8:05 pm
It's great that you are reaching out for help! We are so sorry to hear that you have been struggling. It really does sound like you have been going through a lot.

It's so important that you reach out for support from a trusted adult such as a parent, aunt, uncle, school counselor, teacher, coach, or minister. We would suggest getting evaluated by a medical doctor or mental health professional, and getting involved in counseling if you're not already. It may help you to talk to a counselor at a hotline. Know that there is help out there for you and you are not alone.

Counselor, MT
參考: Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000,
2016-10-19 1:40 am
Tell a dr. how you feel; there are good meds for depression and anxiety.
2016-10-18 9:39 pm
I didn't see anything in your post which would indicate schizophrenia. Do you hear voices? Have delusions such as government controlling your thoughts or something powerful like that? Extreme paranoia? Do you have hallucinations? You just have foggy thinking = depression and anxiety. But best to get checked out if you are concerned. Schizophrenia is quite rare and normally only affects you if it runs in our family. It is a genetic mental disorder.
2016-10-18 9:37 pm
You need to go see a mental health specialist for a complete diagnosis and a solid treatment plan.

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