Would replacing a traditional hard drive with a solid state drive improve my gaming performance?

2016-10-18 8:54 pm

I am a first person shooter pc gamer. Would replacing a traditional hard drive with a solid state drive improve my gaming performance?

回答 (13)

2016-10-18 11:47 pm
No. Gaming performance relies on the video card more than anything else. Changing to a SSD may improve game loading times, but overall game play will hardly be affected at all. If you want better gaming performance, upgrade the video card, that will be more efficient in improving gaming.
2016-10-21 3:24 am
No no no.....gaming performance increase by only gpu...ssd improve only loading time of a game...

2016-10-20 2:37 am
Load times on everything would be shorter.
2016-10-18 9:32 pm
Typically it would only be faster initially loading the game or loading different levels (typically in a single player game). It is not going to help a deficient CPU or GPU during game play or help downloading data from the Internet for on-line games.
2016-10-18 9:16 pm
look this up online to find out how much! I think it would improve. more system memory would be even more effective. or a faster internet connection.
2016-10-18 9:04 pm
It won't draw or think any faster but disk access times (loading scenes, data) should improve.
2016-10-18 8:59 pm
Yes, but only if disk read speed is the thing that is the speed bottleneck at present.
2016-10-20 1:31 am
Games would load faster, but FPS the same.
2016-10-19 6:54 pm
Depending on the reason it is slower, it might. If it's just slow because it needs time to get information off the hard disk, then yes. Otherwise, no.
2016-10-19 3:05 am
Unlikely to be the improvement you were hoping for, lots of similar Q and A on this topic.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 14:22:57
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