I am reading a rather complex book about architecture (the current chapter deals with architect Le Corbusier) and find it difficult to understand some phrases. What the word "equip mean in this context (does it mean to ''create a material environment for the machine-age civilization?):
Throughout the first half of the 1930s this latent monumentalizing tendency in no way diminished Le Corbusier's interest in equipping the "machine-age" civilization. He continued to address himself to industrialists and called attention whenever possible to his capacity for designing the large-scale objects-types, regarded by him as being essential to the equipment of a new age. Such indeed were the four major buildings that he realized between 1932 and 1933: the Maison Clarte apartments, the Pavillon Suisse, the Salvation Army Building and his own Porte Molitor apartments.
Also, what the phrase "address himself to industrialists?" (does it mean he "got acquainted with industrialists or contacted them or simply made contacts with them?)