Would You Prefer Buy or Rent a House after You Worked for 5 Years?

2016-10-18 7:36 am
What would you do if you're able to pay down payment to buy a house? Will you still renting a house to save money or invest?

回答 (7)

2016-10-18 7:38 am
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Buy bro buy already. Especially if you are a little prick Citizen of the United States of the Puta Americas. You are spoil enough to buy yourself a nice house and who knows maybe that investment in that house You buy might become into a huge profit by the house going up in price or who knows You could end up losing money.
2016-10-18 7:45 am
I worked for about 15 years before I bought a house, and even then it was a difficult decision. I liked having the feeling of being free and not tied to such a huge investment. I still feel like that sometimes, although buying has absolutely been the best financial decision. It's not all about money, though, and you need to decide what your priorities are and how you choose to live.
2016-10-18 9:39 pm
depends on your future plans, do you want to stay where you are, is your job likely not to peter out and you then be without work and have to find a job elsewhere which could cause you to sell your house
there are factors besides the rent you pay never allows you any equity, it is money down the drain(except you have place to live)
renting does not cause you a lot of problems owning a house can arise
2016-10-18 1:13 pm
Where will I be 5 years from then? That's the more important question.
2016-10-18 10:16 am
Buying a house is the best investment you will ever make. Assuming it's in a decent location and soundly constructed. Renting is money down the drain.
2016-10-18 7:47 am
renting is a total waste of money
2016-10-18 7:37 am
I'll choose cheapest way
2016-10-18 8:25 am
Depends on how long I planned to stay in that place. It would be a waste of time to buy a property to live in only for a few months.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:41:26
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