Trump or Hillary? Just comment who you'll vote for.?

2016-10-18 3:48 am

回答 (7)

2016-10-18 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Secretary Hillary Clinton.
2016-10-18 3:48 am
2016-10-18 3:54 am
A Hillary presidency will be as follows:
-Financial corruption at the highest levels of government.
-a continued weak, anemic, sluggish economy
-continued expansion of welfare and other government dependent people
-a 550% increase in Muslim immigration
-amnesty and "open borders" for illegal Latino immigrants flooding in by the droves.
-higher taxes
-continued choking of the fossil fuel industries
-a Carbon tax, causing electricity prices to 'skyrocket' (Obama's term for it).
-accelerating health care costs.
-continued failure to take Islamic jihad terrorism seriously.
-continued transfer of American jobs to overseas sites.
I am really looking forward to a Hillary presidency.
2016-10-18 3:52 am
2016-10-18 3:50 am
2016-10-18 3:54 am
The American Mr. Trump.
2016-10-18 3:50 am
Probably a write-in for Ron Paul.

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