If I drink to much coffee every day will I get a pot belly from it?

2016-10-17 4:39 pm

回答 (4)

2016-10-17 4:53 pm
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Coffee itself has no calories. So it can not put weigh on you. If you add sugar, cream etc., those can give you a pot belly. Keep in mind that the caffeine in too much coffee can have worse health effects on you then being a few pounds overweight.
2016-10-17 4:39 pm
Only if you put a lot of cream and sugar in it and therefore gain weight.

Coffee alone doesn't cause a pot belly.
2016-10-18 2:05 am
Not coffee alone. Put a little sugar in coffee and then you might
2016-10-17 11:21 pm
No. Unless it's like those whip cream smothered ones from Starbucks.
2016-10-17 9:03 pm
You should consult your medical doctor
2016-10-17 8:15 pm
no, because it is mostly water with flavoring in it!! As long as you don't decorate it with sweetener and creamer, it doesn't have any calories either!! Those empty calories are what causes belly bulges along with lack of exercise!!
2016-10-17 6:07 pm
No... you could end up too skinny if it's black coffee.
You could end up overweight if it is frilly sugary coffee with dairy products in it.

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