I need a root canal on my adult top front tooth, a friend said that those teeth don't have roots???? I'm confused. Do they or don't they?

2016-10-17 3:37 pm

回答 (5)

2016-10-17 3:44 pm
They wouldn't be in your mouth without roots
2016-10-17 3:38 pm
all adult teeth have roots. the root is what anchors your tooth in your jaw bone. if teeth had no roots they would fall out
2016-10-17 3:45 pm
Your friend was partially right. The front teeth, called incisors, have only one root, whereas the other teeth in your mouth have two or three roots each. Click on the link below for more details.
2016-10-17 3:39 pm
All teeth have roots.
2016-10-17 3:39 pm
of course they have roots
ALL teeth have roots... how do you think they stay in your head
oh and your friend is an idiot

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